In the End

简介:  Black Veil Brides will not be releasing their new album until 2013, but eager fans unable to afford the pre-order packages can stream the group’s new single right here on UTG!     Earlier today, a number of UTG readers began reaching out about rumors of a new Black Veil Brides song popping up online. We are not exactly known for praising the band, but good word of mouth should never be denied, so we dug into the blogosphere and searched until we found out what all the hype was about. “In The End,” the first official song to surface from Wretched And Divine, is by far the best song I have ever heard from Black Veil Brides. Hell, I’ll go as far as to say that their earlier efforts are downright immature compared to what you’re about to hear, so click through the “Read more” link below and enjoy!
  Black Veil Brides will not be releasing their new album until 2013, but eager fans unable to afford the pre-order packages can stream the group’s new single right here on UTG!     Earlier today, a number of UTG readers began reaching out about rumors of a new Black Veil Brides song popping up online. We are not exactly known for praising the band, but good word of mouth should never be denied, so we dug into the blogosphere and searched until we found out what all the hype was about. “In The End,” the first official song to surface from Wretched And Divine, is by far the best song I have ever heard from Black Veil Brides. Hell, I’ll go as far as to say that their earlier efforts are downright immature compared to what you’re about to hear, so click through the “Read more” link below and enjoy!