
简介:  惘闻全新专辑经过再三的跳票这次终于真的来了!这依然是一张纯器乐的惘闻风格唱片,但较之以往的作品,惘闻新作愈发成熟自然,情绪表现的更加自如,各种不同的音乐元素均为其所用,它像催眠术般将听者与不同的记忆体验紧紧缠绕在了一起,就这样惘闻又一次引领大家进入自我内心深处,做一次伤心与喜悦皆有的旅行。将以8面豪华Digipak环保装CD(限量1000)以及12寸180克高质量黑胶(限量300)的形式发行!同时,惘闻也将携带新专辑开始新一轮的全国巡演,目前已经确定的城市有:北京、天津、上海 、南京、武汉、重庆、成都。   7th studio album from the long serving Chinese Post Rock masters Wangwen! Like their other works, this is an instrumental Wangwen-ish album; but unlike their former works, this album is more mature and more natural, emotions flow from beginning to the end. In this album Wangwen uses different kinds of musical elements to tightly intertwine you with different memorial experiences like a hypnotizor. Let Wangwen bring you into the depth of your soul one more time, and get ready for a journey with heartbreak and ecstasy. Released on 8-Panel Digipak CD (Lim. 1000 and 12”Vinyl (Lim. 300)!
  惘闻全新专辑经过再三的跳票这次终于真的来了!这依然是一张纯器乐的惘闻风格唱片,但较之以往的作品,惘闻新作愈发成熟自然,情绪表现的更加自如,各种不同的音乐元素均为其所用,它像催眠术般将听者与不同的记忆体验紧紧缠绕在了一起,就这样惘闻又一次引领大家进入自我内心深处,做一次伤心与喜悦皆有的旅行。将以8面豪华Digipak环保装CD(限量1000)以及12寸180克高质量黑胶(限量300)的形式发行!同时,惘闻也将携带新专辑开始新一轮的全国巡演,目前已经确定的城市有:北京、天津、上海 、南京、武汉、重庆、成都。   7th studio album from the long serving Chinese Post Rock masters Wangwen! Like their other works, this is an instrumental Wangwen-ish album; but unlike their former works, this album is more mature and more natural, emotions flow from beginning to the end. In this album Wangwen uses different kinds of musical elements to tightly intertwine you with different memorial experiences like a hypnotizor. Let Wangwen bring you into the depth of your soul one more time, and get ready for a journey with heartbreak and ecstasy. Released on 8-Panel Digipak CD (Lim. 1000 and 12”Vinyl (Lim. 300)!