Fear of Flying

发行公司:Interscope Records
简介:  Mya全名Mya Harrison,于1980年出生在美国的华盛顿特区,在她只有两岁的时候,她就开始参加舞蹈课的训练,扎实的舞功成了她日后成名的基石,但是当时年幼的Mya和许多被父母逼着练习的孩子们一样,很快她就对这种舞蹈训练生活产生厌倦,对舞蹈失去兴趣的Mya,直到1992年她才又重新恢复了对舞蹈的热情。不久,凭借自己的舞蹈才能加入了舞蹈剧团T.W.A(Tappers With Attitude),但是随后她就又离开了舞蹈团,因为她进入到了百老汇的Harlem舞剧院,向百老汇着名的舞蹈指导兼策划人Savion Glover学习舞蹈。在肯尼迪中心的一次演出,使她的舞蹈才华得到了广泛的认可,在那次演出中,她的一段独舞令人印象深刻。   凭借着身为专业音乐人的父亲遗传给她的一副好嗓子,Mya的歌唱天赋同样在她很小的时候就被她的父亲发觉,并认真的调教。最终,她的音乐天赋引起了University Music公司的首席执行官Haqq Islam的注意,在Haqq Islam的帮助下,16岁的Mya签约Interscope Records唱片公司。经过历时两年的精心制作后,1998年4月,Interscope公司发行了她的第一张专辑《Mya》,在这张专辑的协作人员名单中包括Babyface,Diane Warren,Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott,Dru Hill等诸多闪亮的名字。   又是两年之后的2000年,Mya的第二张专辑《Fear of Flying》发行,这次与她合作的有TLC的成员,后来于2002年在车祸中英年早逝的Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez,以及Jadakiss,Wyclef Jean,Swizz Beatz等人。2001年Mya和Christina Aguilera,Lil' Kim,Pink四人合唱的单曲《Lady Marmalade》获得了第44届格莱美最佳流行乐合唱奖(Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals)。 2003年7月22日,Mya发行了第三张个人专辑《Moodring》。   With her follow-up to her commercially successful debut album, Mya has taken a small step towards shedding her squeaky-clean image and embracing a more mature sound. Many of the best moments on Fear of Flying come with the help of other artists such as Jadakiss of the Lox and Left-Eye from TLC. With producer Swizz Beatz behind the soundboard for her and rapper Jadakiss making his presence felt on "Best of Me," the single is the album's highlight. "Takin' Me Over" featuring Left-Eye shows that when pushed Mya can hold her weight among R&B heavyweights. Without the energy of collaborators in the mix, many of her solo tracks wander into predictability. The album relies too heavily on tepid ballads such as the title track and "Man of My Life." Yet songs like "Can't Believe," "For the First Time," and "Lie Detector" show an emotional depth that lacked in her debut. Mya's sophomore effort proves that she is a promising young talent, but still has yet to develop the chops necessary to rank among the best of R&B divas.
  Mya全名Mya Harrison,于1980年出生在美国的华盛顿特区,在她只有两岁的时候,她就开始参加舞蹈课的训练,扎实的舞功成了她日后成名的基石,但是当时年幼的Mya和许多被父母逼着练习的孩子们一样,很快她就对这种舞蹈训练生活产生厌倦,对舞蹈失去兴趣的Mya,直到1992年她才又重新恢复了对舞蹈的热情。不久,凭借自己的舞蹈才能加入了舞蹈剧团T.W.A(Tappers With Attitude),但是随后她就又离开了舞蹈团,因为她进入到了百老汇的Harlem舞剧院,向百老汇着名的舞蹈指导兼策划人Savion Glover学习舞蹈。在肯尼迪中心的一次演出,使她的舞蹈才华得到了广泛的认可,在那次演出中,她的一段独舞令人印象深刻。   凭借着身为专业音乐人的父亲遗传给她的一副好嗓子,Mya的歌唱天赋同样在她很小的时候就被她的父亲发觉,并认真的调教。最终,她的音乐天赋引起了University Music公司的首席执行官Haqq Islam的注意,在Haqq Islam的帮助下,16岁的Mya签约Interscope Records唱片公司。经过历时两年的精心制作后,1998年4月,Interscope公司发行了她的第一张专辑《Mya》,在这张专辑的协作人员名单中包括Babyface,Diane Warren,Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott,Dru Hill等诸多闪亮的名字。   又是两年之后的2000年,Mya的第二张专辑《Fear of Flying》发行,这次与她合作的有TLC的成员,后来于2002年在车祸中英年早逝的Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez,以及Jadakiss,Wyclef Jean,Swizz Beatz等人。2001年Mya和Christina Aguilera,Lil' Kim,Pink四人合唱的单曲《Lady Marmalade》获得了第44届格莱美最佳流行乐合唱奖(Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals)。 2003年7月22日,Mya发行了第三张个人专辑《Moodring》。   With her follow-up to her commercially successful debut album, Mya has taken a small step towards shedding her squeaky-clean image and embracing a more mature sound. Many of the best moments on Fear of Flying come with the help of other artists such as Jadakiss of the Lox and Left-Eye from TLC. With producer Swizz Beatz behind the soundboard for her and rapper Jadakiss making his presence felt on "Best of Me," the single is the album's highlight. "Takin' Me Over" featuring Left-Eye shows that when pushed Mya can hold her weight among R&B heavyweights. Without the energy of collaborators in the mix, many of her solo tracks wander into predictability. The album relies too heavily on tepid ballads such as the title track and "Man of My Life." Yet songs like "Can't Believe," "For the First Time," and "Lie Detector" show an emotional depth that lacked in her debut. Mya's sophomore effort proves that she is a promising young talent, but still has yet to develop the chops necessary to rank among the best of R&B divas.