So Sweet
简介: According to Jason Chen himself: "So Sweet" is actually originally a song I wrote about chocolate! Chocolate is always there for me and never judges me, it's also delicious! It's a very pure and happy feeling, and I wanted to share this joy with everyone on Valentine's Day. Hope you all enjoy, and have a great day with your better halves =) Jason: 我最开始写so sweet这首歌时,是关于巧克力的,我总是有巧克力常伴身边,给我甜蜜且对我不离不弃,我喜欢这种单纯的快乐,希望能在情人节的时候与大家分享这份甜蜜,希望你们能喜欢,过个难忘的情人节!
According to Jason Chen himself: "So Sweet" is actually originally a song I wrote about chocolate! Chocolate is always there for me and never judges me, it's also delicious! It's a very pure and happy feeling, and I wanted to share this joy with everyone on Valentine's Day. Hope you all enjoy, and have a great day with your better halves =) Jason: 我最开始写so sweet这首歌时,是关于巧克力的,我总是有巧克力常伴身边,给我甜蜜且对我不离不弃,我喜欢这种单纯的快乐,希望能在情人节的时候与大家分享这份甜蜜,希望你们能喜欢,过个难忘的情人节!