
简介:  曾翊雄首张个人同名EP。   21岁翩翩少年,轻诉成长烦恼。充满想象力的文字落笔,流畅而不落俗套的旋律,别致耐听的吉他段落,搭配曾翊雄厚实磁性的嗓音,情感自然而然流露。从柔到刚,从慢到快,融合布鲁斯、爵士、摇滚等多种音乐元素,加上精良细腻的制作水准,这将会是一张让人过耳难忘的专辑。   Yixiong Zeng’s first EP <Yixiong Zeng> is officially released.   At the age of 21, he talks about the pains of growing. Imaginative lyrics, flowing melodies, unique guitar parts and his magnetic voice compose this album. All of the emotions come naturally. This album will be unforgettable, which has diverse musical styles, from soft to heavy and slow to fast, with a combination of blues, jazz, rock and other musical elements, plus excellent and exquisite production level.
  曾翊雄首张个人同名EP。   21岁翩翩少年,轻诉成长烦恼。充满想象力的文字落笔,流畅而不落俗套的旋律,别致耐听的吉他段落,搭配曾翊雄厚实磁性的嗓音,情感自然而然流露。从柔到刚,从慢到快,融合布鲁斯、爵士、摇滚等多种音乐元素,加上精良细腻的制作水准,这将会是一张让人过耳难忘的专辑。   Yixiong Zeng’s first EP <Yixiong Zeng> is officially released.   At the age of 21, he talks about the pains of growing. Imaginative lyrics, flowing melodies, unique guitar parts and his magnetic voice compose this album. All of the emotions come naturally. This album will be unforgettable, which has diverse musical styles, from soft to heavy and slow to fast, with a combination of blues, jazz, rock and other musical elements, plus excellent and exquisite production level.