Chopin Concerto 1+Dvorak Quintette Luisada

简介:  Although I anticipated some fine performances on this new set, I never dreamt that I would be so impressed with Luisada’s Chopin playing. To begin with, Luisada possesses pinpoint articulation; no matter how softly he plays, each note rings out with conviction. Second, each of his Chopin performances exhibits a strong sense of improvisation, as he gives me the impression that he’s thinking out his strategy as he plays. Third, Luisada is a rich-sounding pianist with gorgeous sonority.      ...Naturally, Chopin’s Concerto can’t possibly have the same degree of power in its chamber version, but offsetting benefits of intimacy and insight into the human condition are abundant as are the work’s rapture, urgency, and tension. This is an outstanding performance that surpasses the fine recording of the work by the Yggdrasil Quartet on BIS with Fumiko Shiraga on piano.
  Although I anticipated some fine performances on this new set, I never dreamt that I would be so impressed with Luisada’s Chopin playing. To begin with, Luisada possesses pinpoint articulation; no matter how softly he plays, each note rings out with conviction. Second, each of his Chopin performances exhibits a strong sense of improvisation, as he gives me the impression that he’s thinking out his strategy as he plays. Third, Luisada is a rich-sounding pianist with gorgeous sonority.      ...Naturally, Chopin’s Concerto can’t possibly have the same degree of power in its chamber version, but offsetting benefits of intimacy and insight into the human condition are abundant as are the work’s rapture, urgency, and tension. This is an outstanding performance that surpasses the fine recording of the work by the Yggdrasil Quartet on BIS with Fumiko Shiraga on piano.