
简介:  上帝造人的时候所有的器官都是有它的神圣的用途的,是人自己把自己的全部“可能性”一点一点切除,因此就出现了无用的器官。有美感的是,被切除的器官随即变成了一类纯美的生理作品,是人类还给造物主的贡品。   香料对歌曲进行近乎偏执狂的编曲,继第一张棱角分明乖张生猛纯器乐的ep后,第二张整体风格完全转变并且加入了人声部分,散发着一种古怪的甜美气息并弥漫着五色斑斓的画面感。   When God created man, all the organs had their sacred purposes, and it was man himself who cut away all his "possibilities" bit by bit, so that useless organs appeared. Aesthetically, the removed organs were then transformed into a kind of pure and beautiful physiological art works, a tribute to the creator.   The SPICE makes a paranoid arrangement of the song, and after the first EP with sharp feeling, the whole style of the second EP is completely changed and the vocal part is added, giving off a strange sweetness and a colorful picture.
  上帝造人的时候所有的器官都是有它的神圣的用途的,是人自己把自己的全部“可能性”一点一点切除,因此就出现了无用的器官。有美感的是,被切除的器官随即变成了一类纯美的生理作品,是人类还给造物主的贡品。   香料对歌曲进行近乎偏执狂的编曲,继第一张棱角分明乖张生猛纯器乐的ep后,第二张整体风格完全转变并且加入了人声部分,散发着一种古怪的甜美气息并弥漫着五色斑斓的画面感。   When God created man, all the organs had their sacred purposes, and it was man himself who cut away all his "possibilities" bit by bit, so that useless organs appeared. Aesthetically, the removed organs were then transformed into a kind of pure and beautiful physiological art works, a tribute to the creator.   The SPICE makes a paranoid arrangement of the song, and after the first EP with sharp feeling, the whole style of the second EP is completely changed and the vocal part is added, giving off a strange sweetness and a colorful picture.