
简介:  夜深了   在这座 灰色的城市里   你是我 温暖的记忆   在这里 空旷的夜色   有无数的星辰闪烁   当眼光凝望街道的喧哗都已停息   我知道   你一定在某个角落...   The night is deep   In this gray city   You are my warm memory.   Here in the open night   There are countless stars shining.   When the gaze of the street is watching, the noise has stopped.   That's true.   You must be in a corner.
  夜深了   在这座 灰色的城市里   你是我 温暖的记忆   在这里 空旷的夜色   有无数的星辰闪烁   当眼光凝望街道的喧哗都已停息   我知道   你一定在某个角落...   The night is deep   In this gray city   You are my warm memory.   Here in the open night   There are countless stars shining.   When the gaze of the street is watching, the noise has stopped.   That's true.   You must be in a corner.