
简介:  《将军的女儿》(The Generals Daughter)一片是根据尼尔森.德米勒的同名小说改编的,尼尔森.德米勒在越战期间曾经在军中服役,那时军队中的女官员还比较少,尼尔森很想知道在军队这个以男性为中心的世界,女人到底处于怎样的地位。这篇小说通过一个女军官被杀一案的调查故事,揭露了军方黑幕:军中存在着严重的性别歧视,男人至上,女人的地位其实很低。军队对犯罪的调查和审判也与地方有所不同,忠诚、责任、荣誉、纪律是构成军队公平的要素。      小说悬疑的故事和对军队神秘世界的探讨使小说本身极具吸引力。于是,派拉蒙公司买下这部小说的版权,并把制片权交给了曾经为派拉蒙公司工作了九年、制作过《爱国者游戏》《猎杀红十月》《Omen》等佳作的麦斯.纽菲尔德。麦斯是个尼尔森.德米勒的小说迷,他觉得他的小说故事引人入胜,人物性格复杂,很适合拍成电影,而且他刚刚成立了自己的公司——麦斯.纽非尔德制片公司,正需要一部高质量的影片来大展拳脚,派拉蒙此举正合其意。麦斯很快就选定了导演——以《空中监狱》一片一举成名的西蒙.韦斯特。本片被观众评为1999年最好看的电影之一。      这张电影原声专辑的第一首歌“She began to lie”相当切合电影的主题。     by Stephen Thomas Erlewine   Carter Burwell's score for the Simon West-directed John Travolta suspense drama The General's Daughter is superb, blending blues, electronic dance, and classical in completely unpredictable, evocative ways. It's one of the highlights of the film, and it's the best thing about the soundtrack album, which also includes the pop, blues, and classical tunes that were scattered through the film. Although their presence is necessary on a soundtrack -- some listeners want soundtracks to be an aural representation of the film -- they distract from Burwell's excellent work. Surely, a complete score will be released in the future, but for the time being, it's nice to have this terrific music available in some form on disc.
  《将军的女儿》(The Generals Daughter)一片是根据尼尔森.德米勒的同名小说改编的,尼尔森.德米勒在越战期间曾经在军中服役,那时军队中的女官员还比较少,尼尔森很想知道在军队这个以男性为中心的世界,女人到底处于怎样的地位。这篇小说通过一个女军官被杀一案的调查故事,揭露了军方黑幕:军中存在着严重的性别歧视,男人至上,女人的地位其实很低。军队对犯罪的调查和审判也与地方有所不同,忠诚、责任、荣誉、纪律是构成军队公平的要素。      小说悬疑的故事和对军队神秘世界的探讨使小说本身极具吸引力。于是,派拉蒙公司买下这部小说的版权,并把制片权交给了曾经为派拉蒙公司工作了九年、制作过《爱国者游戏》《猎杀红十月》《Omen》等佳作的麦斯.纽菲尔德。麦斯是个尼尔森.德米勒的小说迷,他觉得他的小说故事引人入胜,人物性格复杂,很适合拍成电影,而且他刚刚成立了自己的公司——麦斯.纽非尔德制片公司,正需要一部高质量的影片来大展拳脚,派拉蒙此举正合其意。麦斯很快就选定了导演——以《空中监狱》一片一举成名的西蒙.韦斯特。本片被观众评为1999年最好看的电影之一。      这张电影原声专辑的第一首歌“She began to lie”相当切合电影的主题。     by Stephen Thomas Erlewine   Carter Burwell's score for the Simon West-directed John Travolta suspense drama The General's Daughter is superb, blending blues, electronic dance, and classical in completely unpredictable, evocative ways. It's one of the highlights of the film, and it's the best thing about the soundtrack album, which also includes the pop, blues, and classical tunes that were scattered through the film. Although their presence is necessary on a soundtrack -- some listeners want soundtracks to be an aural representation of the film -- they distract from Burwell's excellent work. Surely, a complete score will be released in the future, but for the time being, it's nice to have this terrific music available in some form on disc.