
发行公司:Island Records
简介:  诺丁山   电影《Notting  Hill》是茱丽娅罗伯丝和休格兰特的经典浪漫爱情之作。永远会记得在片尾处的音乐,当茱丽娅在电影发布会上对休格兰特say  yes时,那首《she》随之响起,然后是他俩的婚礼,《YOU’VE  GOT  A  WAY》(你已找到出路)悄悄的接上了《she》的尾音,然后镜头切换到了公园之中,《FROM  THE  HEART》(来自心底)巧妙地作了收尾。   这是环球音乐推出的一张堪称浪漫经典的重量级电影原声专辑。唱片中收录的十一首歌曲和两首配乐可以说曲曲动人心魄,充满着不可言喻地男女柔情。可能你会觉得这些歌曲风马牛不相及,而一旦了解该片的内容,突然之间又领悟这些歌曲的挑选其实都围绕着男女主人公的进展而展开。     环球音乐公司旗下的不少大牌歌手,都加入了献声行列。两支男孩团体“Boyzone”和“98度”以年轻人特有的直露和朝气,演绎了R&B曲式的情歌,相当动听。著名乡村女歌手仙尼亚吐温演唱的那首“YOU`VE  GOT  A  WAY”在经过特别混音处理后更显女性的温柔妩媚。除当红艺人激情演绎之外,活跃于60、70年代的前辈人物如艾尔格林、比尔威瑟斯等等也有佳作,为你共谱新世代爱情罗曼史,是现今不可多得的情歌大全   The soundtrack to the Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant romantic comedy Notting Hill is every bit as consciously classy as the film it supports. If it isn't as ingratiating, that's because it's significantly harder to offer a twist on a formula soundtrack album than on a formula movie. With a film, little details, supporting characters, and subtle, interesting visuals give the movie identity within a formula. Unfortunately, a soundtrack remains a collection of oldies, newer songs, and score excerpts, no matter how much you shake it up, and that's the case here. Much of this is quite enjoyable — it's hard to go wrong with such pop classics as Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine," Al Green's "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart," and Spencer Davis Group's "Gimme Some Lovin'" providing the foundation. If the newer songs aren't quite up to par — Elvis Costello's "She" is nearly as appealingly lush as his Bacharach collaboration, but his quavering vibrato undercuts it somewhat, and sadly, Boyzone's "No Matter What" is not a Badfinger cover — they're all still pretty good, especially 98 Degrees' "I Do (Cherish You)" and Shania Twain's "You've Got a Way," which is presented in a nice remix. If the score excerpts don't add much, it's OK, because that's usually the case with these kinds of soundtracks. What counts is the mix of oldies and new songs, and this time around, it's pretty enjoyable, even if it doesn't have the charming character of the film itself.
  诺丁山   电影《Notting  Hill》是茱丽娅罗伯丝和休格兰特的经典浪漫爱情之作。永远会记得在片尾处的音乐,当茱丽娅在电影发布会上对休格兰特say  yes时,那首《she》随之响起,然后是他俩的婚礼,《YOU’VE  GOT  A  WAY》(你已找到出路)悄悄的接上了《she》的尾音,然后镜头切换到了公园之中,《FROM  THE  HEART》(来自心底)巧妙地作了收尾。   这是环球音乐推出的一张堪称浪漫经典的重量级电影原声专辑。唱片中收录的十一首歌曲和两首配乐可以说曲曲动人心魄,充满着不可言喻地男女柔情。可能你会觉得这些歌曲风马牛不相及,而一旦了解该片的内容,突然之间又领悟这些歌曲的挑选其实都围绕着男女主人公的进展而展开。     环球音乐公司旗下的不少大牌歌手,都加入了献声行列。两支男孩团体“Boyzone”和“98度”以年轻人特有的直露和朝气,演绎了R&B曲式的情歌,相当动听。著名乡村女歌手仙尼亚吐温演唱的那首“YOU`VE  GOT  A  WAY”在经过特别混音处理后更显女性的温柔妩媚。除当红艺人激情演绎之外,活跃于60、70年代的前辈人物如艾尔格林、比尔威瑟斯等等也有佳作,为你共谱新世代爱情罗曼史,是现今不可多得的情歌大全   The soundtrack to the Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant romantic comedy Notting Hill is every bit as consciously classy as the film it supports. If it isn't as ingratiating, that's because it's significantly harder to offer a twist on a formula soundtrack album than on a formula movie. With a film, little details, supporting characters, and subtle, interesting visuals give the movie identity within a formula. Unfortunately, a soundtrack remains a collection of oldies, newer songs, and score excerpts, no matter how much you shake it up, and that's the case here. Much of this is quite enjoyable — it's hard to go wrong with such pop classics as Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine," Al Green's "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart," and Spencer Davis Group's "Gimme Some Lovin'" providing the foundation. If the newer songs aren't quite up to par — Elvis Costello's "She" is nearly as appealingly lush as his Bacharach collaboration, but his quavering vibrato undercuts it somewhat, and sadly, Boyzone's "No Matter What" is not a Badfinger cover — they're all still pretty good, especially 98 Degrees' "I Do (Cherish You)" and Shania Twain's "You've Got a Way," which is presented in a nice remix. If the score excerpts don't add much, it's OK, because that's usually the case with these kinds of soundtracks. What counts is the mix of oldies and new songs, and this time around, it's pretty enjoyable, even if it doesn't have the charming character of the film itself.