Tainted Love: Mating Calls And Fight Songs

发行公司:Zoe Records
简介:  看到唱片封套你会以为Shivaree是这个女生的名字,而她的名字其实是Ambrosia Parsley,连发音都很有音乐质感。从小听着祖母的四弦琴成长;在比萨店和老年班卓琴乐队的交相辉映之下有了第一次舞台演出;13岁背个小包袱迈出家门,边走边唱;遇到吉他手DukeMcVinnie,得到更多的建议和长进;这些成果又刚好被和TomWaits一同巡演的键盘手DannyMcGough在一次聚会上听到。于是,上帝总是可以这样把故事凑齐,这支三人乐队叫做Shivaree。   Shivaree 最初的录音湮灭得比录制的时间还快,但不久就炮制出史上名字超长的专辑《I Oughtta Give You a Shot in the Head for Making Me Live in This Dump》, Shivaree2002年第二张录音室作品《RoughDreams》充满奇思妙想,其中《Wagers》像是 Billie Holiday在用techno-folk的形态表演,名谣前辈JoniMitchell附体灵魂唱腔的调子也在这张专辑里绽放,整张专辑涌动电子碎拍、哥特这些超浓度的浮流。企图心永远不代表结果,这张作品没有在美国开花结果,反而差点把他们送出音乐版图。   昆汀·塔伦蒂诺及时拉了她、或者说他们一把,《杀死比尔2》的原声带里选用Shivaree的一首《GoodnightMoon》,甜美而颓废,备受追捧。很多人都是从昆汀迷人、歪瓜裂枣的电影音乐里发现自己原来是有品味的。   Shivaree is a three-person American band formed in 1999 consisting of Ambrosia Parsley (vocals), Danny McGough (keyboard), and Duke McVinnie (guitar). They have produced three full-length albums (only two of which have enjoyed a North American release due to contract disagreements) and have approximately 500,000 combined sales to their name. They credit numerous other musicians in their work and are usually joined by two or three other collaborators when performing live.   What's love got to do with Phil Spector, Rick James, Michael Jackson or Gary Glitter? Shivaree attempts to mount this riddle in a fractured look beneath the covers and through the keyhole of some of true Rock n' Roll legends, interpreting the songs of these and many more controversial greats on Tainted Love: Mating Calls and Fight Songs. In the words of lead singer/headmistress Ambrosia Parsley, "Rock and Roll may save your soul, but a good man is truly hard to find." Shivaree's twisted, biting cabaret pop has been featured everywhere from Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill to Air America Radio (who employed Parsley to encapsulate each week's news in song form). Have a listen to what the fuss is all about     Tainted Love: Mating Calls and Fight Songs is an album of covers by Shivaree, released by Zoë Records in 2007.
  看到唱片封套你会以为Shivaree是这个女生的名字,而她的名字其实是Ambrosia Parsley,连发音都很有音乐质感。从小听着祖母的四弦琴成长;在比萨店和老年班卓琴乐队的交相辉映之下有了第一次舞台演出;13岁背个小包袱迈出家门,边走边唱;遇到吉他手DukeMcVinnie,得到更多的建议和长进;这些成果又刚好被和TomWaits一同巡演的键盘手DannyMcGough在一次聚会上听到。于是,上帝总是可以这样把故事凑齐,这支三人乐队叫做Shivaree。   Shivaree 最初的录音湮灭得比录制的时间还快,但不久就炮制出史上名字超长的专辑《I Oughtta Give You a Shot in the Head for Making Me Live in This Dump》, Shivaree2002年第二张录音室作品《RoughDreams》充满奇思妙想,其中《Wagers》像是 Billie Holiday在用techno-folk的形态表演,名谣前辈JoniMitchell附体灵魂唱腔的调子也在这张专辑里绽放,整张专辑涌动电子碎拍、哥特这些超浓度的浮流。企图心永远不代表结果,这张作品没有在美国开花结果,反而差点把他们送出音乐版图。   昆汀·塔伦蒂诺及时拉了她、或者说他们一把,《杀死比尔2》的原声带里选用Shivaree的一首《GoodnightMoon》,甜美而颓废,备受追捧。很多人都是从昆汀迷人、歪瓜裂枣的电影音乐里发现自己原来是有品味的。   Shivaree is a three-person American band formed in 1999 consisting of Ambrosia Parsley (vocals), Danny McGough (keyboard), and Duke McVinnie (guitar). They have produced three full-length albums (only two of which have enjoyed a North American release due to contract disagreements) and have approximately 500,000 combined sales to their name. They credit numerous other musicians in their work and are usually joined by two or three other collaborators when performing live.   What's love got to do with Phil Spector, Rick James, Michael Jackson or Gary Glitter? Shivaree attempts to mount this riddle in a fractured look beneath the covers and through the keyhole of some of true Rock n' Roll legends, interpreting the songs of these and many more controversial greats on Tainted Love: Mating Calls and Fight Songs. In the words of lead singer/headmistress Ambrosia Parsley, "Rock and Roll may save your soul, but a good man is truly hard to find." Shivaree's twisted, biting cabaret pop has been featured everywhere from Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill to Air America Radio (who employed Parsley to encapsulate each week's news in song form). Have a listen to what the fuss is all about     Tainted Love: Mating Calls and Fight Songs is an album of covers by Shivaree, released by Zoë Records in 2007.