Monterey Nights

简介:  by MusDGiving us another look at some of his best on this recent compilation from Garden City, The Games, and others, John incorporates his piano and synthesizer music with violin, bass guitar and percussion. Lush melodies pour forth for our delight with cuts like the romantic "Goodnight Moon," and the samba sound of "Concetta," and the synthesized splendor of "Rhapsody in Love," with its lyrical violin. Also included are stronger, bolder tunes which found their inspiration in the '92 Barcelona Games and John's composing for the grueling Tour de France. It's a polished selection of Tesh winners.
  by MusDGiving us another look at some of his best on this recent compilation from Garden City, The Games, and others, John incorporates his piano and synthesizer music with violin, bass guitar and percussion. Lush melodies pour forth for our delight with cuts like the romantic "Goodnight Moon," and the samba sound of "Concetta," and the synthesized splendor of "Rhapsody in Love," with its lyrical violin. Also included are stronger, bolder tunes which found their inspiration in the '92 Barcelona Games and John's composing for the grueling Tour de France. It's a polished selection of Tesh winners.