Shadow of Blue

简介:  这张单曲是ANDI难得展示内心情感的表达,和以往的创作风格有所变化,这次在曲风上有了突破,放下以往高亢的声线,回归诚实的自己,一开口变将听众带领跳进深夜的蓝色,这蓝色代表什麽,可能就见仁见智,听几次也许才明白,歌词在高潮的转化也有惊喜。不变的是这个艺人令人惊艳的作曲风格,简单却易深入人心,找不到多余的音符,一听就让人难以忘记,有种余音绕梁之感。鼓点,贝斯,电吉他与慵懒又极富层次感的声线配合得天衣无缝,从上一张单曲至今几个月时间,似乎预示着ANDI音乐的新纪元即将到来,让人十分期待。   A new single that starts to reveal what a new generation of excellent story teller ANDI is. This artist drops his usual glamorous vocal sound, comes down to an honest voice with relaxing sound that tells a believable story. The picturesque single brings the audience into his imaginary world of blue, which usually represents depression, but in this single it seems to be more than just that, we hear a touch of solitary, a touch of companion, sadness and even happiness. The simple looped tunes carry layers of emotions. Brilliant change of lyrical content in the chorus makes the audience think the meanings behind the name of the song. Diving deeply into his own emotional world is something that wasn't heard from this artist, and let's hope that this is a brand new single that opens up his world from deep within to his fans from all over the world.
  这张单曲是ANDI难得展示内心情感的表达,和以往的创作风格有所变化,这次在曲风上有了突破,放下以往高亢的声线,回归诚实的自己,一开口变将听众带领跳进深夜的蓝色,这蓝色代表什麽,可能就见仁见智,听几次也许才明白,歌词在高潮的转化也有惊喜。不变的是这个艺人令人惊艳的作曲风格,简单却易深入人心,找不到多余的音符,一听就让人难以忘记,有种余音绕梁之感。鼓点,贝斯,电吉他与慵懒又极富层次感的声线配合得天衣无缝,从上一张单曲至今几个月时间,似乎预示着ANDI音乐的新纪元即将到来,让人十分期待。   A new single that starts to reveal what a new generation of excellent story teller ANDI is. This artist drops his usual glamorous vocal sound, comes down to an honest voice with relaxing sound that tells a believable story. The picturesque single brings the audience into his imaginary world of blue, which usually represents depression, but in this single it seems to be more than just that, we hear a touch of solitary, a touch of companion, sadness and even happiness. The simple looped tunes carry layers of emotions. Brilliant change of lyrical content in the chorus makes the audience think the meanings behind the name of the song. Diving deeply into his own emotional world is something that wasn't heard from this artist, and let's hope that this is a brand new single that opens up his world from deep within to his fans from all over the world.