Be With Me

简介:  看见音乐【独立音乐ING榜】   「“+”计划」作品:《Be With Me》   JANJI x R7CKY,连续10首,   让你看见并相信未来的歌曲。   还记得那年盛夏的轮廓,   和TA四处探寻的踪影。   坚持那些你所相信的,等有一天我们仰望星空   Your love will light up the sky.   But you are not alone.   Take my hand, i will always be with you.
  看见音乐【独立音乐ING榜】   「“+”计划」作品:《Be With Me》   JANJI x R7CKY,连续10首,   让你看见并相信未来的歌曲。   还记得那年盛夏的轮廓,   和TA四处探寻的踪影。   坚持那些你所相信的,等有一天我们仰望星空   Your love will light up the sky.   But you are not alone.   Take my hand, i will always be with you.