Zoomer Boomer

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  dante'self -taught on the guitar, drums and key board.    he writes, songs,performs and and records them him self,    from his pen to the cd burner. no doubt about it,his work    is his work. but there are times he has a friend or two    join in on a vocal track, or jam on a guitar track.    he knows how to work words so you dont need a picture    from happy sun shines vacations to the darker days of his life. mostly he enjoys a good rhythm. hes not new to this at all.sometimes hes called the zoomer boomer.    you can check out updates on dante at myspace gmpmaria8@aol.com
  dante'self -taught on the guitar, drums and key board.    he writes, songs,performs and and records them him self,    from his pen to the cd burner. no doubt about it,his work    is his work. but there are times he has a friend or two    join in on a vocal track, or jam on a guitar track.    he knows how to work words so you dont need a picture    from happy sun shines vacations to the darker days of his life. mostly he enjoys a good rhythm. hes not new to this at all.sometimes hes called the zoomer boomer.    you can check out updates on dante at myspace gmpmaria8@aol.com