Singing in Tongues and Ecstasy-Sound Prayers For our Evolving Self, Earth and Cosmos

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  "Akasa has tapped into a primordial source of sound that she brings forth with ecstatic power. Listening to her evokes echoes of ancient Delphic initiations and Atlantean mysteries. She has discovered, or perhaps remembered, the oracular voice of the Orphic and Dionysian priestesses."   - Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., author, co-author of The Psychedelic Experience with Timothy Leary and Ram Dass      Akasa is a songstress and performing artist who writes songs with multicultural elements and sings in a fictional language like Enya, Lisa Gerrard, Era, Enigma and Sigur Ros. If you are a music fan for world music, New Age music, Flamenco/Gypsy songs and cross genre music, you will enjoy the diversity and the sonic synergy of Akasa's music.   Her vocalizations are purely fueled by the movements of the emotion and intended to play like a musical instrument. Akasa's musical performance contains the essence of a universal ceremony expressed in the context of a concert and theatrical performance. Singing in Tongues and Ecstasy album is a collection of Akasa's original songs. Each song is like a shamanic journey taking you into different parts of your psyche through exploring the archetypes and the elements of nature spirits in you. The vision of this album is to inspire your vocal participation to sing in your own tongues with Akasa's sonic prayers for your healing and transformation and to empower the collective vision for a better world.      Akasa's musical journey began from an unexpected experience at the ancient oracle of Delphi in Greece. This event altered every aspect of her life. She started to hear songs arising with musical element from many cultures. Before this event, Akasa was a small business owner who had no interest in singing or performing arts. After she returned from her trip, she started taking vocal lessons and learning about singing techniques and song writings. Disregard of fear and doubt about her newly discovered gift, the fire of calling inside of Akasa was so powerful that could be best expressed by the "Divine Madness" Plato described in Phaedrus. Akasa began a passionate journey of using her voices as a vehicle to explore the full spectrum of human emotions and the diverse archetypes from the world mythologies and the collective unconscious.      Before Akasa discovered her musical path, her life was like many small business owners: struggling to survive with hard work and apply any creative idea that can help the business, learning life's lessons through the interactions with clients and employees and striving to overcome the challenges and to expand the business. It was like Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. During this period of time, she worked with Women service for facilitating a safe house for the battered and abused women. She also worked with social service to facilitate temporary housing assistance for single mother with kid(s) who got kicked out by landlords. There were many events in Akasa's journey that took her into the dark underworld and experienced her own and other's pain, anger, rage, sadness, depression and grief. It was the darkness and tremendous suffering in Akasa's life that forced her to find an answer for life's misery. From that point, Akasa stumbled into a journey of fervent studies of the transformation of consciousness and the connection between mind, body, heart, spirit and reality of life through multi-disciplinary approaches. Akasa's greatest passion is to offer comfort and relief for humanity's dark night of the soul through her music and performing arts. She has been there and came back with a conviction that healing and transformation of suffering is possible. Everyone on this planet including you have the divine right to expand your creativity and share your joy with the world. Akasa's main message in her music is about integrating, accepting, understanding and releasing the past, the wounds, the repetitive emotional patterns with love and compassion. Know Thy Self, an inscription at the Oracle of Delphi summaries her quest. Akasa's music and performances is an offering and prayer for you, humanity, heaven and earth.      Akasa was born in Taiwan and has lived in the States since early 80'. She is currently living in the Los Angeles area. Akasa holds a Master of Arts in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She shared her work with international and academic audiences at numerous conferences, symposiums, music festivals and more. Since her Delphi experience, she has been working with a community of international musicians including Prince's keyboardist/music director Morris Hayes and more. Please stay tuned with Akasa's coming release with Morris Hayes.      Gifted with the power of passion to move the mass energy, Akasa evokes the audiences to feel the core of their universal beings and the beauty and possibility of human potential.
  "Akasa has tapped into a primordial source of sound that she brings forth with ecstatic power. Listening to her evokes echoes of ancient Delphic initiations and Atlantean mysteries. She has discovered, or perhaps remembered, the oracular voice of the Orphic and Dionysian priestesses."   - Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., author, co-author of The Psychedelic Experience with Timothy Leary and Ram Dass      Akasa is a songstress and performing artist who writes songs with multicultural elements and sings in a fictional language like Enya, Lisa Gerrard, Era, Enigma and Sigur Ros. If you are a music fan for world music, New Age music, Flamenco/Gypsy songs and cross genre music, you will enjoy the diversity and the sonic synergy of Akasa's music.   Her vocalizations are purely fueled by the movements of the emotion and intended to play like a musical instrument. Akasa's musical performance contains the essence of a universal ceremony expressed in the context of a concert and theatrical performance. Singing in Tongues and Ecstasy album is a collection of Akasa's original songs. Each song is like a shamanic journey taking you into different parts of your psyche through exploring the archetypes and the elements of nature spirits in you. The vision of this album is to inspire your vocal participation to sing in your own tongues with Akasa's sonic prayers for your healing and transformation and to empower the collective vision for a better world.      Akasa's musical journey began from an unexpected experience at the ancient oracle of Delphi in Greece. This event altered every aspect of her life. She started to hear songs arising with musical element from many cultures. Before this event, Akasa was a small business owner who had no interest in singing or performing arts. After she returned from her trip, she started taking vocal lessons and learning about singing techniques and song writings. Disregard of fear and doubt about her newly discovered gift, the fire of calling inside of Akasa was so powerful that could be best expressed by the "Divine Madness" Plato described in Phaedrus. Akasa began a passionate journey of using her voices as a vehicle to explore the full spectrum of human emotions and the diverse archetypes from the world mythologies and the collective unconscious.      Before Akasa discovered her musical path, her life was like many small business owners: struggling to survive with hard work and apply any creative idea that can help the business, learning life's lessons through the interactions with clients and employees and striving to overcome the challenges and to expand the business. It was like Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. During this period of time, she worked with Women service for facilitating a safe house for the battered and abused women. She also worked with social service to facilitate temporary housing assistance for single mother with kid(s) who got kicked out by landlords. There were many events in Akasa's journey that took her into the dark underworld and experienced her own and other's pain, anger, rage, sadness, depression and grief. It was the darkness and tremendous suffering in Akasa's life that forced her to find an answer for life's misery. From that point, Akasa stumbled into a journey of fervent studies of the transformation of consciousness and the connection between mind, body, heart, spirit and reality of life through multi-disciplinary approaches. Akasa's greatest passion is to offer comfort and relief for humanity's dark night of the soul through her music and performing arts. She has been there and came back with a conviction that healing and transformation of suffering is possible. Everyone on this planet including you have the divine right to expand your creativity and share your joy with the world. Akasa's main message in her music is about integrating, accepting, understanding and releasing the past, the wounds, the repetitive emotional patterns with love and compassion. Know Thy Self, an inscription at the Oracle of Delphi summaries her quest. Akasa's music and performances is an offering and prayer for you, humanity, heaven and earth.      Akasa was born in Taiwan and has lived in the States since early 80'. She is currently living in the Los Angeles area. Akasa holds a Master of Arts in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She shared her work with international and academic audiences at numerous conferences, symposiums, music festivals and more. Since her Delphi experience, she has been working with a community of international musicians including Prince's keyboardist/music director Morris Hayes and more. Please stay tuned with Akasa's coming release with Morris Hayes.      Gifted with the power of passion to move the mass energy, Akasa evokes the audiences to feel the core of their universal beings and the beauty and possibility of human potential.