On A Dream

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  I first wrote "On A Dream" in 1996, when the "Great American Party of Endless Consumption" was in full swing and no one seemed to want to hear about its inevitable consequences--including me, I might add. But, that was then. Now, with the recent catastrophic Gulf oil gusher, I was inspired to record the song to add my small voice to the growing chorus demanding change in the face of overwhelming opposition by multi-billion-dollar corporate interests. While searing in its depiction of our ecological and moral dilemma, the resolution offers an uplifting challenge to, "Wake up. Get up. Do something." My hope is that this song, in some small way, might help galvanize a new generation to follow Gandhi's vision that, "The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." For more information about my work, please go to www.JOURNEYSofHEART.com
  I first wrote "On A Dream" in 1996, when the "Great American Party of Endless Consumption" was in full swing and no one seemed to want to hear about its inevitable consequences--including me, I might add. But, that was then. Now, with the recent catastrophic Gulf oil gusher, I was inspired to record the song to add my small voice to the growing chorus demanding change in the face of overwhelming opposition by multi-billion-dollar corporate interests. While searing in its depiction of our ecological and moral dilemma, the resolution offers an uplifting challenge to, "Wake up. Get up. Do something." My hope is that this song, in some small way, might help galvanize a new generation to follow Gandhi's vision that, "The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." For more information about my work, please go to www.JOURNEYSofHEART.com