Stress Buster Hypnosis

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  About this CD:      Everyone knows that meditation and/or focused deep breathing dispel tension and stress. But who has time for meditation or deep breathing?! Now, you do. This CD has three guided breathing meditation tracks of different lengths - one is 4 minutes, one is 6 minutes, and one is 12 minutes. Even just 4 minutes, taken regularly, can be beneficial in the quest to bust your stress.      TRACKS   1. Introduction      2. 4-Minute Stress Buster - This is best when you are feeling very edgy and truly don't have a lot of time available. You will need to close your eyes and focus on your breathing as you listen.      3. 6-Minute Stress Buster - This is great when you don't have much time but know that you could really use a relaxation break. The suggestions in this track are a little more specific than in the first track.      4. 12-Minute Stress Buster - For the days when you are able to take a longer amount of break time and really get into relaxing.      About Stress:      The physical effects of excessive stress are easily recognized -- heart attacks, strokes, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Continual stress also takes a toll on the body's immune system, causing frequent colds and other illnesses. Psychologically, stress can lead to depression, anxiety and even panic attacks. All of these can result in decreased productivity, commitment and loyalty.      Following is a list of some of the warning signs of job burnout. Do you fit the profile?      Chronic fatigue - exhaustion, tiredness, a sense of being physically run down   Late arrival, sluggishness, lowered or unpredictable productivity   Anger at those making demands   Self-criticism for putting up with the demands   Cynicism, sarcasm, negativity, and irritability   A sense of being besieged; a lack of joy and humor   Exploding easily at seemingly inconsequential things   Impatience with co-workers, customers, or clients   Frequent headaches and gastrointestinal disturbances   Neck and lower back pain   Co-worker concern   Weight loss or gain   Sleeplessness and depression   Shortness of breath   Dissatisfaction, suspiciousness and disillusionment   Feelings of helplessness or overwhelm      If you or someone you know can identify with this, hypnosis can help.      About Hypnosis:      Hypnosis is a method of accessing the power of the subconscious mind by allowing a qualified hypnotherapist to help relax and calm the conscious mind. The objective is to reach deeper states of inner awareness. These deeper states act as a bridge between the mind, the body, and the spirit, thereby allowing enhanced access to inner resources.      Relaxation at this level typically produces a state of mind that is more receptive to suggestions for beneficial change, and that includes ways to better manage job stress. In order to benefit from this, all anybody needs to do is suspend disbelief and listen - the subconscious mind will take care of the rest.      Although not necessarily ideal, even short periods of relaxation to tap the inner mind can be very beneficial. Experiment with this - the next time you are feeling anxious and/or stressed, watch the second hand of an analog clock for one full minute. Think only about the movement of the second hand, and the movement of air in and out of your lungs. Actually think the words "in" and "out" while breathing and watching the second hand. Don't allow any other thoughts in for that one minute. Notice how you feel at the end of one minute and you will be able to imagine the benefit of many minutes.      About Elisabeth:      My own personal healing path has included philosophical study of a wide range of religions and other spiritual modalities. I have been led, guided, and introduced to many things. From those many things has come one voice - mine.      You are the best gift that you have ever received. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it by freeing your mind to find one voice - yours. It is my pleasure to be of service; you are worthy.      About Randall:      I am here to make music, it's what I do and who I have always been. My musical studies have exposed me to many things, both inner and outer, and every song I compose draws on all of my previous experience and knowledge.      I have seen the healing power of music at work in Elisabeth's life and in my own life and in the lives of our friends and families. It is my honor and privilege to offer my music to benefit you on your path of healing.
  About this CD:      Everyone knows that meditation and/or focused deep breathing dispel tension and stress. But who has time for meditation or deep breathing?! Now, you do. This CD has three guided breathing meditation tracks of different lengths - one is 4 minutes, one is 6 minutes, and one is 12 minutes. Even just 4 minutes, taken regularly, can be beneficial in the quest to bust your stress.      TRACKS   1. Introduction      2. 4-Minute Stress Buster - This is best when you are feeling very edgy and truly don't have a lot of time available. You will need to close your eyes and focus on your breathing as you listen.      3. 6-Minute Stress Buster - This is great when you don't have much time but know that you could really use a relaxation break. The suggestions in this track are a little more specific than in the first track.      4. 12-Minute Stress Buster - For the days when you are able to take a longer amount of break time and really get into relaxing.      About Stress:      The physical effects of excessive stress are easily recognized -- heart attacks, strokes, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Continual stress also takes a toll on the body's immune system, causing frequent colds and other illnesses. Psychologically, stress can lead to depression, anxiety and even panic attacks. All of these can result in decreased productivity, commitment and loyalty.      Following is a list of some of the warning signs of job burnout. Do you fit the profile?      Chronic fatigue - exhaustion, tiredness, a sense of being physically run down   Late arrival, sluggishness, lowered or unpredictable productivity   Anger at those making demands   Self-criticism for putting up with the demands   Cynicism, sarcasm, negativity, and irritability   A sense of being besieged; a lack of joy and humor   Exploding easily at seemingly inconsequential things   Impatience with co-workers, customers, or clients   Frequent headaches and gastrointestinal disturbances   Neck and lower back pain   Co-worker concern   Weight loss or gain   Sleeplessness and depression   Shortness of breath   Dissatisfaction, suspiciousness and disillusionment   Feelings of helplessness or overwhelm      If you or someone you know can identify with this, hypnosis can help.      About Hypnosis:      Hypnosis is a method of accessing the power of the subconscious mind by allowing a qualified hypnotherapist to help relax and calm the conscious mind. The objective is to reach deeper states of inner awareness. These deeper states act as a bridge between the mind, the body, and the spirit, thereby allowing enhanced access to inner resources.      Relaxation at this level typically produces a state of mind that is more receptive to suggestions for beneficial change, and that includes ways to better manage job stress. In order to benefit from this, all anybody needs to do is suspend disbelief and listen - the subconscious mind will take care of the rest.      Although not necessarily ideal, even short periods of relaxation to tap the inner mind can be very beneficial. Experiment with this - the next time you are feeling anxious and/or stressed, watch the second hand of an analog clock for one full minute. Think only about the movement of the second hand, and the movement of air in and out of your lungs. Actually think the words "in" and "out" while breathing and watching the second hand. Don't allow any other thoughts in for that one minute. Notice how you feel at the end of one minute and you will be able to imagine the benefit of many minutes.      About Elisabeth:      My own personal healing path has included philosophical study of a wide range of religions and other spiritual modalities. I have been led, guided, and introduced to many things. From those many things has come one voice - mine.      You are the best gift that you have ever received. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it by freeing your mind to find one voice - yours. It is my pleasure to be of service; you are worthy.      About Randall:      I am here to make music, it's what I do and who I have always been. My musical studies have exposed me to many things, both inner and outer, and every song I compose draws on all of my previous experience and knowledge.      I have seen the healing power of music at work in Elisabeth's life and in my own life and in the lives of our friends and families. It is my honor and privilege to offer my music to benefit you on your path of healing.