Bomb Blows

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  The Twin Brothers (DAV & Beazy) Bio       The Twin Brothers were born and raised in the central valley (Hanford ,California). They started like most beginning rappers did, going to radio shack for the mike, a dual cassette recorder for the vocals, and all the instrumentals you can buy at the local music store. DAV has been spitten rhymes since 94, influenced by Bay area rap & the playalistic type flows. His first project he connected with another artist named "SixSo" and started a group called "D.N.S." They recorded there first demo on cassette titled "Sicc N Sane" and passed it around the high-school of Hanford as well as the local mall creating a small buzz. At the same time Beazy was coming up as the hottest free stylist in the town. Beazy earned recognition by battling rappers at house parties along with high school & street shows. Soon after, DAV & Beazy along with other artists put together "The Playas Faculty Project" and the Looke Le album "P.O.W.(Pimp On Wheels) once again creating more of a buzz and small following of fans. A year later DAV and his brother were approached to sign with an underground label from Tulare, who was then putting a compilation together. One more year will pass before DAV and Beazy will leave the label because of creative differences. The compilation drops soon afterwards, which is titled "Pimp The World", with many tracks that featured both DAV and Beazy as well as many other talented rappers from the valley. The compilation would be released locally in the Tulare and King's county area and be the third cd to ever feature what would become The Twin Brothers.    Fast forward one more year, DAV receives a call from Kindred (at the time an up and coming producer and owner of Mind Therapy Records), who then asks if he and his brother would feature on a compilation titled "M.O.B. presents....The Cliquelation Vol. 1: Caught In The Middle". A compilation being put together by one of the more known groups in the central valley (Proud By Choice), who in the past put out many cd's, sold many copies and had nationwide distribution. The Twin Brothers agreed to feature on a track and agreed to become a part of Mind Therapy Records, which was contributing over half of the production on the compilation. In return Innocente (CEO of M.O.B. Productions) made it possible for The Twin Brothers and Mind Therapy Records to make it's first appearance valley and nation wide. The compilation dropped valley wide in Nov. 2001 then nationwide Jan. 2002 and went on to be an underground hit! Selling over 1500 copies with little to no promotion, basically just word of mouth and to this day continuing to sell.    With the underground success of "The Cliquelation" and the hinted "Bomb Blows" album within the inside cover of "The Cliquelation", it was time for Mind Therapy Records to deliver. June of 2002 the first album from "The Twin Brothers" titled "Bomb Blows" dropped valley wide and sold 700 copies the first few months with little promotion, putting Kings County on the map. The album receive positive feedback from local listeners as well as valley listeners for it's bangin instrumentals and lyrics. "Bomb Blows" also received an article reviewing the album in "The Fresno Bee" a valley wide distributed newspaper. A first for any Hanford rappers. J Street Bar & Grill located in Tulare opened it's doors every Saturday night to Mind Therapy Records and let The Twin Brothers perform tracks off "Bomb Blows". They were able to get the name heard even louder then before, along with gathering new fans. Now, one year and a half later, a brand new studio, skills sharper then ever, The Twin Brothers prepare to drop their second album titled "Weapons of Mass Destructions". Proclaiming to be some of their best tracks to date!
  The Twin Brothers (DAV & Beazy) Bio       The Twin Brothers were born and raised in the central valley (Hanford ,California). They started like most beginning rappers did, going to radio shack for the mike, a dual cassette recorder for the vocals, and all the instrumentals you can buy at the local music store. DAV has been spitten rhymes since 94, influenced by Bay area rap & the playalistic type flows. His first project he connected with another artist named "SixSo" and started a group called "D.N.S." They recorded there first demo on cassette titled "Sicc N Sane" and passed it around the high-school of Hanford as well as the local mall creating a small buzz. At the same time Beazy was coming up as the hottest free stylist in the town. Beazy earned recognition by battling rappers at house parties along with high school & street shows. Soon after, DAV & Beazy along with other artists put together "The Playas Faculty Project" and the Looke Le album "P.O.W.(Pimp On Wheels) once again creating more of a buzz and small following of fans. A year later DAV and his brother were approached to sign with an underground label from Tulare, who was then putting a compilation together. One more year will pass before DAV and Beazy will leave the label because of creative differences. The compilation drops soon afterwards, which is titled "Pimp The World", with many tracks that featured both DAV and Beazy as well as many other talented rappers from the valley. The compilation would be released locally in the Tulare and King's county area and be the third cd to ever feature what would become The Twin Brothers.    Fast forward one more year, DAV receives a call from Kindred (at the time an up and coming producer and owner of Mind Therapy Records), who then asks if he and his brother would feature on a compilation titled "M.O.B. presents....The Cliquelation Vol. 1: Caught In The Middle". A compilation being put together by one of the more known groups in the central valley (Proud By Choice), who in the past put out many cd's, sold many copies and had nationwide distribution. The Twin Brothers agreed to feature on a track and agreed to become a part of Mind Therapy Records, which was contributing over half of the production on the compilation. In return Innocente (CEO of M.O.B. Productions) made it possible for The Twin Brothers and Mind Therapy Records to make it's first appearance valley and nation wide. The compilation dropped valley wide in Nov. 2001 then nationwide Jan. 2002 and went on to be an underground hit! Selling over 1500 copies with little to no promotion, basically just word of mouth and to this day continuing to sell.    With the underground success of "The Cliquelation" and the hinted "Bomb Blows" album within the inside cover of "The Cliquelation", it was time for Mind Therapy Records to deliver. June of 2002 the first album from "The Twin Brothers" titled "Bomb Blows" dropped valley wide and sold 700 copies the first few months with little promotion, putting Kings County on the map. The album receive positive feedback from local listeners as well as valley listeners for it's bangin instrumentals and lyrics. "Bomb Blows" also received an article reviewing the album in "The Fresno Bee" a valley wide distributed newspaper. A first for any Hanford rappers. J Street Bar & Grill located in Tulare opened it's doors every Saturday night to Mind Therapy Records and let The Twin Brothers perform tracks off "Bomb Blows". They were able to get the name heard even louder then before, along with gathering new fans. Now, one year and a half later, a brand new studio, skills sharper then ever, The Twin Brothers prepare to drop their second album titled "Weapons of Mass Destructions". Proclaiming to be some of their best tracks to date!