Longino, K

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  This trio from Madison, Wisconsin describe their sound as "post everything", but if that's a little vague for you then it may be better to label them as intense, instrumental post-rock, piled high with angular, math-rock guitars. Now that may seem a complex tag to place on CONTROL, but if you have a listen to this, you'll find that the noise they make is equally complex and not easy to categorize. Influence-wise they cite, amongst others, King Crimson, The Minutemen, Gang Of Four and Fugazi, and true to their word scraps of those bands can be heard.      The spiky urgency of Gang Of Four is blended with the hardcore punk of The Minutemen and progressive overtones courtesy of King Crimson, topped with the post-hardcore experimenting of Fugazi. The result isn't for the faint hearted and the intricate guitar shredding adds a hectic, desperate twist to the otherwise spacious soundscapes. When the drums follow suit they create a potent and forceful sound which also incorporates enough melody and light to stop things turning too muddy. If you like your music spirited, powerful and exploratory then CONTROL should be right up your street. -The Sound of Confusion
  This trio from Madison, Wisconsin describe their sound as "post everything", but if that's a little vague for you then it may be better to label them as intense, instrumental post-rock, piled high with angular, math-rock guitars. Now that may seem a complex tag to place on CONTROL, but if you have a listen to this, you'll find that the noise they make is equally complex and not easy to categorize. Influence-wise they cite, amongst others, King Crimson, The Minutemen, Gang Of Four and Fugazi, and true to their word scraps of those bands can be heard.      The spiky urgency of Gang Of Four is blended with the hardcore punk of The Minutemen and progressive overtones courtesy of King Crimson, topped with the post-hardcore experimenting of Fugazi. The result isn't for the faint hearted and the intricate guitar shredding adds a hectic, desperate twist to the otherwise spacious soundscapes. When the drums follow suit they create a potent and forceful sound which also incorporates enough melody and light to stop things turning too muddy. If you like your music spirited, powerful and exploratory then CONTROL should be right up your street. -The Sound of Confusion