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简介: 来自英国伦敦的独立民谣乐团Arco的最新专辑,距离他们的上一张作品《Restraint》已有六年之久了。Arco的音乐在独立民谣中是少数让我能一耳分辨出的声音之一,或许是因为他们的声音已经融入成了我记忆中微小的一部分,虽已隔数年没有再听过他们的声音,但时至今日耳边还时常萦绕着那首《Happy New Year》低沉而忧伤的旋律。“Arco源于意大利语(音乐术语,意为在演奏弦乐器时,在某些时候以弓拉代替以手拨弦),只是一个音乐符号,用来告诉那些弦乐演奏者们回归到弓的使用上来,而不要一味强调手指的运用。这样优雅的转移从某些方面很好的诠释了Arco的音乐,从容不迫,而又变幻美丽。木吉他,贝斯,鼓,似乎Arco轻轻松松就创造出了轻弱而美妙的音乐氛围,但是在那些看似淡然的音乐下面却隐藏着压抑着的伤感,就像暗夜里的蝴蝶,在漆黑的玫瑰花园里起舞,而周围,充满了Arco优美的吉他旋律,简单而柔软的鼓和贝斯,还有Chris Healey那种性别模糊带着淡淡惆怅的歌声.”arco began making music in 1998, releasing the “longsighted” and “ending up” eps on dreamy records in the uk. then came the “coming to terms” album in 2000 (also on pehr (us) and pastel in korea), the “transparency” compilation (2002) on pehr, and the “restraint” album (2004). having gigged in the uk, amsterdam and barcelona, 2005 saw them play a short tour of the us west coast. their fourth album, “yield” was finished in jan 2010 and will be available initially on pastel in korea. (介绍转自网络)
来自英国伦敦的独立民谣乐团Arco的最新专辑,距离他们的上一张作品《Restraint》已有六年之久了。Arco的音乐在独立民谣中是少数让我能一耳分辨出的声音之一,或许是因为他们的声音已经融入成了我记忆中微小的一部分,虽已隔数年没有再听过他们的声音,但时至今日耳边还时常萦绕着那首《Happy New Year》低沉而忧伤的旋律。“Arco源于意大利语(音乐术语,意为在演奏弦乐器时,在某些时候以弓拉代替以手拨弦),只是一个音乐符号,用来告诉那些弦乐演奏者们回归到弓的使用上来,而不要一味强调手指的运用。这样优雅的转移从某些方面很好的诠释了Arco的音乐,从容不迫,而又变幻美丽。木吉他,贝斯,鼓,似乎Arco轻轻松松就创造出了轻弱而美妙的音乐氛围,但是在那些看似淡然的音乐下面却隐藏着压抑着的伤感,就像暗夜里的蝴蝶,在漆黑的玫瑰花园里起舞,而周围,充满了Arco优美的吉他旋律,简单而柔软的鼓和贝斯,还有Chris Healey那种性别模糊带着淡淡惆怅的歌声.”arco began making music in 1998, releasing the “longsighted” and “ending up” eps on dreamy records in the uk. then came the “coming to terms” album in 2000 (also on pehr (us) and pastel in korea), the “transparency” compilation (2002) on pehr, and the “restraint” album (2004). having gigged in the uk, amsterdam and barcelona, 2005 saw them play a short tour of the us west coast. their fourth album, “yield” was finished in jan 2010 and will be available initially on pastel in korea. (介绍转自网络)