Horse Spirit

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  From Grammy nominated Recording Artist John Two-Hawks comes this incredible new music. Riving music which is drawn from his powerful experience on horseback for 135 miles with hundreds of other Lakota people in the brutal winter of South Dakota in remembrance of the tragic events that took place in Wounded Knee in 1890. And while paying homage to that experience, the music also speaks of the healing power of the human relationship to the horse. The Lakota are nearly one with the horse, and yet they are not alone in their deep connection with this powerful, spiritual being. This music is for all who love, respect and honor the horse spirit.... So get ready to take a musical journey.... a journey into sacrifice, connection, healing and triumph. Prepare yourself to experience the horse spirit, as it comes alive through music in a way that only John Two-Hawks can deliver.      HORSE SPIRIT is a true master work of Native American Flute music. It is an album that will take you on a journey into the world of the horse, speaking of the bond that the Lakota and so many around the world have with this majestic, powerful animal. The journey awaits you. Come and ride the wind....
  From Grammy nominated Recording Artist John Two-Hawks comes this incredible new music. Riving music which is drawn from his powerful experience on horseback for 135 miles with hundreds of other Lakota people in the brutal winter of South Dakota in remembrance of the tragic events that took place in Wounded Knee in 1890. And while paying homage to that experience, the music also speaks of the healing power of the human relationship to the horse. The Lakota are nearly one with the horse, and yet they are not alone in their deep connection with this powerful, spiritual being. This music is for all who love, respect and honor the horse spirit.... So get ready to take a musical journey.... a journey into sacrifice, connection, healing and triumph. Prepare yourself to experience the horse spirit, as it comes alive through music in a way that only John Two-Hawks can deliver.      HORSE SPIRIT is a true master work of Native American Flute music. It is an album that will take you on a journey into the world of the horse, speaking of the bond that the Lakota and so many around the world have with this majestic, powerful animal. The journey awaits you. Come and ride the wind....