falling over backward

发行公司:CD Baby
简介:  "It only took ONE minute to love you guys..."    Leslie    Indianapolis,IN      "Awesome!"    Nick    Shoreview, MN      "Great harmonies, lyrics interesting and fresh..."    Randy    Dublin, OH      Lift was formed in early 2002 in East-Central Indiana with a desire to bring back tight vocal arrangements, soaring melodies and most of all a genuine intent to provide a musical background for healing. Drawn from a variety of different influences, including U2, R.E.M., BareNaked Ladies and John Mayer, Lift's music is thought provoking while still enjoyable.         CD Review Feb. 2004      'Lift' your hands up in the air   And get your acoustic rock on like you just don't care!   by Emily Close      Scoring chicks and making money, living fast and dying young, isn't that what rock music is all about?      Not according to the guys from the band Lift.      Hailing from, "the space between Dayton and Indianapolis," Ben Crawford, Nathan O. Milligan, Chad Evans and Matt "Mook" Smith emerged to "write songs that help to inspire, encourage, and warm the hearts of listeners," according to their Web site.      And while a band that begins their press kit with the statement "We are dull. We don't have wild parties. We don't wreck hotel rooms," may seem the antithesis of cool, a listen of their first full-length release Falling Over Backward proves otherwise.      The 12 tracks on Falling Over Backward, all written and produced by band members themselves, possess a quiet but affecting musical presence. The vibe is chilled out, but passionate.      While the songs touch on themes of spirituality and faith, they seem universally applicable and honest, instead of coming across preachy and didactic.      Lift mixes acoustic-feeling sounds with heart on sleeve lyrics creating the enjoyable candid ambiance that shrouds the album.      While it attempts to steer clear of "violence, greed, drugs and sex," which constitutes the majority of top 40 radio, Lift is not above singing about love.      On "Mended," Crawford wails "I've never cried so much without feeling sad/ The tears wash away the pain that I had/ Watering the happiness that is growing inside."      Lift claims to sing about "strengthening bonds with people around you, and giving all you have to a stranger in need, and staying true in personal relationships." These ideals seem pretty lofty and cerebral, but the end product of Falling Over Backward seems to hit on the target points of human emotion. This includes heartbreak, as love seldom comes without it.      On "Make Up Your Mind," the song begins "You let me down/ I fell flat on my face/ You made me see/ You needed some space." Not ones to dwell on the downside, the song keeps a positive spin on waiting for that someone to come around. "Can I be the one to fortune tell/ and put your life at just as well/ and leave a scar on your heart/ or will I just be shoved to the sidelines/ like I have the other times/ I just want you to know/ I'll never let you go."      Lift is currently touring the Cincinnati and Dayton Trail.      Lucky for us, their wagon is stopping in Oxford this Saturday (2/26/05).      Anyone wishing can come experience Lift at 10 p.m. at Kofenya.      According to the band, "It is our sincere hope that you will find yourself in a better place after each listen."      After Saturday night, we'll see if you are.
  "It only took ONE minute to love you guys..."    Leslie    Indianapolis,IN      "Awesome!"    Nick    Shoreview, MN      "Great harmonies, lyrics interesting and fresh..."    Randy    Dublin, OH      Lift was formed in early 2002 in East-Central Indiana with a desire to bring back tight vocal arrangements, soaring melodies and most of all a genuine intent to provide a musical background for healing. Drawn from a variety of different influences, including U2, R.E.M., BareNaked Ladies and John Mayer, Lift's music is thought provoking while still enjoyable.         CD Review Feb. 2004      'Lift' your hands up in the air   And get your acoustic rock on like you just don't care!   by Emily Close      Scoring chicks and making money, living fast and dying young, isn't that what rock music is all about?      Not according to the guys from the band Lift.      Hailing from, "the space between Dayton and Indianapolis," Ben Crawford, Nathan O. Milligan, Chad Evans and Matt "Mook" Smith emerged to "write songs that help to inspire, encourage, and warm the hearts of listeners," according to their Web site.      And while a band that begins their press kit with the statement "We are dull. We don't have wild parties. We don't wreck hotel rooms," may seem the antithesis of cool, a listen of their first full-length release Falling Over Backward proves otherwise.      The 12 tracks on Falling Over Backward, all written and produced by band members themselves, possess a quiet but affecting musical presence. The vibe is chilled out, but passionate.      While the songs touch on themes of spirituality and faith, they seem universally applicable and honest, instead of coming across preachy and didactic.      Lift mixes acoustic-feeling sounds with heart on sleeve lyrics creating the enjoyable candid ambiance that shrouds the album.      While it attempts to steer clear of "violence, greed, drugs and sex," which constitutes the majority of top 40 radio, Lift is not above singing about love.      On "Mended," Crawford wails "I've never cried so much without feeling sad/ The tears wash away the pain that I had/ Watering the happiness that is growing inside."      Lift claims to sing about "strengthening bonds with people around you, and giving all you have to a stranger in need, and staying true in personal relationships." These ideals seem pretty lofty and cerebral, but the end product of Falling Over Backward seems to hit on the target points of human emotion. This includes heartbreak, as love seldom comes without it.      On "Make Up Your Mind," the song begins "You let me down/ I fell flat on my face/ You made me see/ You needed some space." Not ones to dwell on the downside, the song keeps a positive spin on waiting for that someone to come around. "Can I be the one to fortune tell/ and put your life at just as well/ and leave a scar on your heart/ or will I just be shoved to the sidelines/ like I have the other times/ I just want you to know/ I'll never let you go."      Lift is currently touring the Cincinnati and Dayton Trail.      Lucky for us, their wagon is stopping in Oxford this Saturday (2/26/05).      Anyone wishing can come experience Lift at 10 p.m. at Kofenya.      According to the band, "It is our sincere hope that you will find yourself in a better place after each listen."      After Saturday night, we'll see if you are.
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