The Very Best of Jane Monheit

发行公司:N-Coded Music
简介:  珍梦海出道6年以来,在全世界掳获了无以计算的乐迷,她的超人气从多张个人专辑销售屡获佳绩清晰可见。她的声音细腻深邃、圆润甜美,诠释歌曲的情绪挑动出听众内心深处情感,当乐音一响起,珍梦海竟可以如此不愠不火地将歌曲背后的故事以她独到的韵味诠释出来。她的出现让久未有惊喜的爵士乐坛,灌注了一丝青春活力。自他出道之后,日本爵士杂志Swing Journal、美国杂志Down Beat、Jazziz更誉她为21世纪的新爵士天后。      这张《珍梦海-珍爱新曲+精选》凝结了珍梦海歌声的魅力,她特有的歌声以及优美转韵在多位葛来美顶尖製作人的完美录音后,更是所有音响发烧友追求的目标,眼睛闭起来,歌声、钢琴、吉他、鼓、贝斯、和声都清晰的在各自的定位上,发出美妙的声响。珍梦海天生拥有迷人的嗓音,仔细聆听可以发现有许多细腻的表情在她的歌声裡,时而温暖动人,时而情意真挚,如果你在寻找一张百听不厌的爵士女声专辑,《珍梦海-珍爱新曲+精选》绝对是你不能错过的选择。   Aside from having possibly the most flattering cover photography in jazz history, The Very Best of Jane Monheit, isn't exactly groundbreaking, but it is an enjoyable collection for those who like vocal jazz. Among the best tracks are "Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most," which paradoxically is perfect for a melancholy autumn afternoon, "Hit the Road to Dreamland," and Cole Porter's "In the Still of the Night." Her previously unreleased versions of "I Wish You Love," and "The Folks Who Live on the Hill," are also nicely done, and the latter is different enough from (similar artist) Diana Krall's rendition (Only Trust Your Heart) to make it worthwhile for Monheit's loyal fans. Musically, this disc probably won't expand Monheit's fan base much, though visually, it should prove popular with men 18 to 35.
  珍梦海出道6年以来,在全世界掳获了无以计算的乐迷,她的超人气从多张个人专辑销售屡获佳绩清晰可见。她的声音细腻深邃、圆润甜美,诠释歌曲的情绪挑动出听众内心深处情感,当乐音一响起,珍梦海竟可以如此不愠不火地将歌曲背后的故事以她独到的韵味诠释出来。她的出现让久未有惊喜的爵士乐坛,灌注了一丝青春活力。自他出道之后,日本爵士杂志Swing Journal、美国杂志Down Beat、Jazziz更誉她为21世纪的新爵士天后。      这张《珍梦海-珍爱新曲+精选》凝结了珍梦海歌声的魅力,她特有的歌声以及优美转韵在多位葛来美顶尖製作人的完美录音后,更是所有音响发烧友追求的目标,眼睛闭起来,歌声、钢琴、吉他、鼓、贝斯、和声都清晰的在各自的定位上,发出美妙的声响。珍梦海天生拥有迷人的嗓音,仔细聆听可以发现有许多细腻的表情在她的歌声裡,时而温暖动人,时而情意真挚,如果你在寻找一张百听不厌的爵士女声专辑,《珍梦海-珍爱新曲+精选》绝对是你不能错过的选择。   Aside from having possibly the most flattering cover photography in jazz history, The Very Best of Jane Monheit, isn't exactly groundbreaking, but it is an enjoyable collection for those who like vocal jazz. Among the best tracks are "Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most," which paradoxically is perfect for a melancholy autumn afternoon, "Hit the Road to Dreamland," and Cole Porter's "In the Still of the Night." Her previously unreleased versions of "I Wish You Love," and "The Folks Who Live on the Hill," are also nicely done, and the latter is different enough from (similar artist) Diana Krall's rendition (Only Trust Your Heart) to make it worthwhile for Monheit's loyal fans. Musically, this disc probably won't expand Monheit's fan base much, though visually, it should prove popular with men 18 to 35.