
发行公司:Pacific Moon
简介:  巴厘   和平之月,一个专门制作New Age和World Music的亚洲著名音乐公司,旗下精英荟萃,融合民族和世界、东方乐器和西方配乐的典型效果创造属于Pacific Moon风格的作品,公司99%以上的专辑都用一个汉字来作为专辑的名称,显示了专辑本身的特点和音乐人的风格。        巴厘岛,神居住的地方。巴厘岛,拥有优雅文明的小岛。巴厘岛位于赤道附近,在爪哇岛东面,地处印度尼西亚中部。这个小岛东西长140公里,南北长50公里。岛上的居民认为位于东经115度30分的Agung山是宇宙的中心。善良的神居住在巴厘岛的群山中,而邪恶的神则生活在海中。最大的神Ida Sayan Widi Wasa则居住在巴厘印度教描述的世界中,那里交织着善良和邪恶,神圣和恶劣,动和静,阴和阳。巴厘岛上的居民相信世界是由截然相反的两种力量的均衡作用下产生的,而由于每天早上向印度神的祈祷,世界也由此得到净化。在空中漂浮的加麦兰的声音;无意中遇见的节日游行;虔诚的巴厘居民的温和的眼神;把海水染成深红色的落日;黑夜中昆虫发出的各种声音。巴厘岛,不用闭上双眼,你就能进行冥想。这张专辑综合了你在巴厘岛一天中能捕捉到的各种感觉,用得最多的乐器就是传统的加麦兰。加麦兰是一组传统的用于合奏的打击乐器。特别是在巴厘岛,它和印度教一起发展,现在在巴厘岛居民的日常生活中,每个宗教的仪式上,它都是不可缺少的乐器。儿童很小的时候就开始学习演奏加麦兰和跟着加麦兰起舞。而这些演奏活动多是由村里或镇上的居民协会组织的。加麦兰是巴厘岛生活中音乐的核心。加麦兰中最主要的乐器是青铜键盘“Gender”和铜锣。每件乐器都有很多种相似的变种,都能扮演特定的角色,发出不同的声音。有时候,还有用竹子制作的乐器"tingklik"或者竹筒"sulin",当然还有鼓"kendang"。加麦兰的音乐类型主要有两种,"perog"很象冲绳的音乐,而slendoro更接近宫廷音乐。这些音乐都只有5个音阶。在这张专辑中,曲调都是基于5个音阶。这些由青铜键盘和竹子演奏出来的活生生的音乐,是最好的民族音乐。      BALI, an island where the gods live. BALI, the island of a refined culture. Located beneath the equator and to the east of Java Island, the center of the Republic of Indonesia, this little island stretches 140 km from east to west and 50 km north to south. They believe their Agung Mountains, at 115 degrees 30 minutes east longitude, to be the center of the cosmos. The good reside in the mountains of Bali and the evil in its sea. The supreme god "Ida Sayan Widi Wasa" reside within the cosmic world of the Balinese Hinduism. Good and evil, sacred and the wicked, stillness and movement, yin and yang. The Balinese people believe that the world is established from the harmony of the opposing forces and that it becomes purified by it. The morning prayers to the Hindu gods. Tunes of the gamelan that comes floating in from somewhere. Festival parades that you are bound to encounter on a walk somewhere. The rich green rice terraces, blue skies and the quiet seas. The gentle eyes of the deeply religious Balinese people. The sunset that dyes the seas a crimson color. Sounds of the waves in total blackness, and sounds of the insects chirping. Bali, a place where you can meditate even without closing your eyes.      This album is something that puts together all these scenes of Bali that you may experience in a day. The instrument used is mostly the traditional instrument gamelan.
  巴厘   和平之月,一个专门制作New Age和World Music的亚洲著名音乐公司,旗下精英荟萃,融合民族和世界、东方乐器和西方配乐的典型效果创造属于Pacific Moon风格的作品,公司99%以上的专辑都用一个汉字来作为专辑的名称,显示了专辑本身的特点和音乐人的风格。        巴厘岛,神居住的地方。巴厘岛,拥有优雅文明的小岛。巴厘岛位于赤道附近,在爪哇岛东面,地处印度尼西亚中部。这个小岛东西长140公里,南北长50公里。岛上的居民认为位于东经115度30分的Agung山是宇宙的中心。善良的神居住在巴厘岛的群山中,而邪恶的神则生活在海中。最大的神Ida Sayan Widi Wasa则居住在巴厘印度教描述的世界中,那里交织着善良和邪恶,神圣和恶劣,动和静,阴和阳。巴厘岛上的居民相信世界是由截然相反的两种力量的均衡作用下产生的,而由于每天早上向印度神的祈祷,世界也由此得到净化。在空中漂浮的加麦兰的声音;无意中遇见的节日游行;虔诚的巴厘居民的温和的眼神;把海水染成深红色的落日;黑夜中昆虫发出的各种声音。巴厘岛,不用闭上双眼,你就能进行冥想。这张专辑综合了你在巴厘岛一天中能捕捉到的各种感觉,用得最多的乐器就是传统的加麦兰。加麦兰是一组传统的用于合奏的打击乐器。特别是在巴厘岛,它和印度教一起发展,现在在巴厘岛居民的日常生活中,每个宗教的仪式上,它都是不可缺少的乐器。儿童很小的时候就开始学习演奏加麦兰和跟着加麦兰起舞。而这些演奏活动多是由村里或镇上的居民协会组织的。加麦兰是巴厘岛生活中音乐的核心。加麦兰中最主要的乐器是青铜键盘“Gender”和铜锣。每件乐器都有很多种相似的变种,都能扮演特定的角色,发出不同的声音。有时候,还有用竹子制作的乐器"tingklik"或者竹筒"sulin",当然还有鼓"kendang"。加麦兰的音乐类型主要有两种,"perog"很象冲绳的音乐,而slendoro更接近宫廷音乐。这些音乐都只有5个音阶。在这张专辑中,曲调都是基于5个音阶。这些由青铜键盘和竹子演奏出来的活生生的音乐,是最好的民族音乐。      BALI, an island where the gods live. BALI, the island of a refined culture. Located beneath the equator and to the east of Java Island, the center of the Republic of Indonesia, this little island stretches 140 km from east to west and 50 km north to south. They believe their Agung Mountains, at 115 degrees 30 minutes east longitude, to be the center of the cosmos. The good reside in the mountains of Bali and the evil in its sea. The supreme god "Ida Sayan Widi Wasa" reside within the cosmic world of the Balinese Hinduism. Good and evil, sacred and the wicked, stillness and movement, yin and yang. The Balinese people believe that the world is established from the harmony of the opposing forces and that it becomes purified by it. The morning prayers to the Hindu gods. Tunes of the gamelan that comes floating in from somewhere. Festival parades that you are bound to encounter on a walk somewhere. The rich green rice terraces, blue skies and the quiet seas. The gentle eyes of the deeply religious Balinese people. The sunset that dyes the seas a crimson color. Sounds of the waves in total blackness, and sounds of the insects chirping. Bali, a place where you can meditate even without closing your eyes.      This album is something that puts together all these scenes of Bali that you may experience in a day. The instrument used is mostly the traditional instrument gamelan.