
简介:  2018年的夏天有一则悲伤而离奇的新闻,那个西雅图偷飞机的年轻人在飞机坠落之前说到“我只是一个已经坏掉的人,猜是不知道哪里有几颗螺丝松了吧。”人们给了他浪漫的称号“太空牛仔”。我们总有未完成的梦想,未履行的爱。于是《坏螺丝》从太空牛仔的故事延伸出来,仿佛拥有了意识与灵体,长出了三头六臂,千变万化。它或许是穿梭在水泥森林的孤独个体,是松掉螺丝的老旧机器,是星辰大海,是分割世界的桥。   专辑录制的前后恰巧在新冠疫情期间,灾难面前不仅让人感慨世事无常,担心起未竟之事。作为乐队的首张正式专辑,八首歌,像是八贴药方,一开始入口未必顺口,花少许耐心,方可血脉通畅,豁然开朗。这个世界,总是会通过各种手段被联系起来,就像太空牛仔和逆戟鲸的新闻,就像听到这张专辑的人们,有一个走到一起的理由。   In the summer of 2018, there was sad and bizarre news in Seattle. A 29 year-old airport employee hijacked a plane. Despite having no pilot experience he took off, performed several aerobatic maneuvers, and told air traffic controllers, “I’m just a broken guy, a few screws loose I guess,” before crashing the plane into a lightly populated island. An onlooker shared the footage online where he was named “Space Cowboy” by netizens who watched in amazement.   There will always be unrealized dreams and unfulfilled love. "Broken Screw" extends from the spirit of the story of the Sky King, ever transforming, into an entity with many heads and many arms. It may be a lonely individual navigating a vast concrete jungle, an old machine that loosens screws, a sea of ​​stars, or a bridge that divides the world.   This album was recorded during the COVID-19 epidemic; a time where many people were feeling impermanent in the face of the disaster and worried about unfinished business. As the band's first official album these eight songs are like eight courses of inoculation, often rough in the beginning. It takes a little patience to allow time for the blood flow free and openly. Everything in this world is connected. Like the story of the Space Cowboy and all of those who experience this album, there is a reason to come together.
  2018年的夏天有一则悲伤而离奇的新闻,那个西雅图偷飞机的年轻人在飞机坠落之前说到“我只是一个已经坏掉的人,猜是不知道哪里有几颗螺丝松了吧。”人们给了他浪漫的称号“太空牛仔”。我们总有未完成的梦想,未履行的爱。于是《坏螺丝》从太空牛仔的故事延伸出来,仿佛拥有了意识与灵体,长出了三头六臂,千变万化。它或许是穿梭在水泥森林的孤独个体,是松掉螺丝的老旧机器,是星辰大海,是分割世界的桥。   专辑录制的前后恰巧在新冠疫情期间,灾难面前不仅让人感慨世事无常,担心起未竟之事。作为乐队的首张正式专辑,八首歌,像是八贴药方,一开始入口未必顺口,花少许耐心,方可血脉通畅,豁然开朗。这个世界,总是会通过各种手段被联系起来,就像太空牛仔和逆戟鲸的新闻,就像听到这张专辑的人们,有一个走到一起的理由。   In the summer of 2018, there was sad and bizarre news in Seattle. A 29 year-old airport employee hijacked a plane. Despite having no pilot experience he took off, performed several aerobatic maneuvers, and told air traffic controllers, “I’m just a broken guy, a few screws loose I guess,” before crashing the plane into a lightly populated island. An onlooker shared the footage online where he was named “Space Cowboy” by netizens who watched in amazement.   There will always be unrealized dreams and unfulfilled love. "Broken Screw" extends from the spirit of the story of the Sky King, ever transforming, into an entity with many heads and many arms. It may be a lonely individual navigating a vast concrete jungle, an old machine that loosens screws, a sea of ​​stars, or a bridge that divides the world.   This album was recorded during the COVID-19 epidemic; a time where many people were feeling impermanent in the face of the disaster and worried about unfinished business. As the band's first official album these eight songs are like eight courses of inoculation, often rough in the beginning. It takes a little patience to allow time for the blood flow free and openly. Everything in this world is connected. Like the story of the Space Cowboy and all of those who experience this album, there is a reason to come together.