
简介:  要足够年轻,才有牵手的勇气。而不离不弃的浪漫,属于恋人,亦属于伙伴。   这首歌,是主唱谭聪羽中写给乐队其他几位成员的“告白曲”。   我们都像浮云般在城市漂泊,想要离天空更近一点,却常常被无力地吹散。直到有一天我们终于等到了一群人,然后就会笃定:高楼间的霓虹属于谁并不重要,我们终将拥有自己的“霓虹”。   You must be young to have the courage to hold hands. That never-ending romance belongs to lovers and partners.   This song is a confession written by Neon Garden’s lead singer Tan Congyuzhong to several other members of the band.   We are all drifting through the city like clouds, wanting to be closer to the sky, but often blown away. Until one day we finally find our tribe, those who it seems we’ve always been waiting for, and then it’s determined: it does not matter whom the neon between the tall buildings belongs to. One day, we will all have our own "neon".
  要足够年轻,才有牵手的勇气。而不离不弃的浪漫,属于恋人,亦属于伙伴。   这首歌,是主唱谭聪羽中写给乐队其他几位成员的“告白曲”。   我们都像浮云般在城市漂泊,想要离天空更近一点,却常常被无力地吹散。直到有一天我们终于等到了一群人,然后就会笃定:高楼间的霓虹属于谁并不重要,我们终将拥有自己的“霓虹”。   You must be young to have the courage to hold hands. That never-ending romance belongs to lovers and partners.   This song is a confession written by Neon Garden’s lead singer Tan Congyuzhong to several other members of the band.   We are all drifting through the city like clouds, wanting to be closer to the sky, but often blown away. Until one day we finally find our tribe, those who it seems we’ve always been waiting for, and then it’s determined: it does not matter whom the neon between the tall buildings belongs to. One day, we will all have our own "neon".