The Greats and the Happenings

简介:  Post War Years live together in an abandoned Russian social club in London. Here, they can usually be found creating big beats in the kitchen or just sleeping somewhere. Any noises you hear are triggered by a Live Finger or foot. They grew up together.         They have been cutting their teeth (and plenty of rug) playing some of the most innovative live shows around the UK including support for the likes of White Lies, Late of the Pier, MGMT, Does It Offend You, Yeah and so on. To see Post War Years live is to be confronted by a whirlwind of racing synths, samplers, and vocal harmonies and band members switching instruments.         The overall sound bridges the gap between Joy Division Factory Records angularity and the fusion seen when Talking Heads injected funk hooks into pop music. Influences include Gomez, Bowie, Beck, Talking Heads, Radiohead, Ed Harcourt, The Beta Band, and Bjork.
  Post War Years live together in an abandoned Russian social club in London. Here, they can usually be found creating big beats in the kitchen or just sleeping somewhere. Any noises you hear are triggered by a Live Finger or foot. They grew up together.         They have been cutting their teeth (and plenty of rug) playing some of the most innovative live shows around the UK including support for the likes of White Lies, Late of the Pier, MGMT, Does It Offend You, Yeah and so on. To see Post War Years live is to be confronted by a whirlwind of racing synths, samplers, and vocal harmonies and band members switching instruments.         The overall sound bridges the gap between Joy Division Factory Records angularity and the fusion seen when Talking Heads injected funk hooks into pop music. Influences include Gomez, Bowie, Beck, Talking Heads, Radiohead, Ed Harcourt, The Beta Band, and Bjork.