简介: “男孩应该是坚强而不能掉泪的”是一种性别刻板印象,它带来了无谓的情绪负担。你本来就可以哭泣,可以情绪宣洩,而无关他人的眼光评估。这首歌想要给你一个舒适的环境,太空、宇宙、银河系……让你漫游其中,悲伤得以缓释,脆弱得以安放,伤口得以疗愈。而我会给你温暖的手,坚定的怀抱,让你勇敢地表达自我,追寻属于自己的道路。而这些,都是你原本拥有的权利。
"Boys should be strong and can't shed tears" is a gender stereotype that brings unnecessary emotional burden.
You are born to cry and vent your emotions, regardless of the judgment of others.
This song gives you a comfortable environment: space, universe, galaxy ... and when you wander through it, sorrow can be relieved, weakness can be placed, wounds can be healed.
I will give you a warm hand and a firm embrace, allowing you to express yourself bravely and pursue your own path.
Those are the rights you originally had.
"Boys should be strong and can't shed tears" is a gender stereotype that brings unnecessary emotional burden.
You are born to cry and vent your emotions, regardless of the judgment of others.
This song gives you a comfortable environment: space, universe, galaxy ... and when you wander through it, sorrow can be relieved, weakness can be placed, wounds can be healed.
I will give you a warm hand and a firm embrace, allowing you to express yourself bravely and pursue your own path.
Those are the rights you originally had.