
发行公司:88rising/Mad Decent, under license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
简介:  Joji是当前数字时代最迷人的艺术家之一。他对于自己的作品有一个完整的架构与视野,这种视野不仅仅局限于他的音乐创作,更是贯穿了他在艺术作品、影片拍摄和现场表演的各个方面。他通过自己的作品创造了一个完全真实的世界,他的追随者们得以在此间找到自己的位置并不断探寻进而展开对自身的认识。“我的音乐并不是传记式的”Joji如是说,但即便如此,任何一个受困于外部世界的人,都能够窥见其中深沉浓重的情感表达,谁又能完全定义什么是真实的归属呢?2019年,Joji北美巡演的门票在几分钟内就宣告售罄,他还参与了数场世界各地最火热的音乐节演出,其中包括英国的Reading & Leeds 音乐节和Lollapalooza音乐节。拥有着超过46亿的全球流量,可以预见2020年或将成为Joji大势之年。   Joji与Diplo 首次合作的新单曲“Daylight ”,是Joji备受期待的将于9月25日发行的新专辑《Nectar》中,最新释出的作品。正值夏日酷暑,在这首中速节奏的夏日歌曲中,Joji标志性的低声哼唱,与Diplo清爽的编曲碰撞结合,为听众营造出炎夏中,朦胧的不断变幻的听觉之海市蜃楼。   此次“Daylight”,是Joji即将发行的新专辑《Nectar》的第四首预发行单曲。此前,专辑的首支单曲“Run”, 创造了Joji个人单曲在Billboard Hot 100榜单的最高位记录,并为Joji获得了他在“The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon”节目上的首秀机会。而第二支单曲“Gimme Love“,被Complex誉为“摄人心魄的嗓音带来的令人听之难忘的流行单曲”。上个月,Joji还发布了由Channel Tres带来的“Gimme Love”刺激而充满变革性的混音版本。   Joji is one of the most enthralling artists of the digital age. He has a total vision for his work, not just in the writing and producing of his music, but artwork, videos, merch, and live performances as well. It’s a fully realized world that his fans can inhabit and explore—and see themselves in. “My music is not biographical,” he says, but even still, the deep, heavily shaded emotions in his songs are genuine and they speak to anyone who has ever felt stuck on the outside looking in, who knows what it means to not belong. In 2019, Joji sold-out his North America tour within minutes and performed at some of the most coveted festivals across the world, including Reading & Leeds in the UK and Lollapalooza. As Joji surpasses 4.6 billion global streams, 2020 promises to be his biggest year to date.   Joji teams with Diplo for the first time on a new collaboration with Diplo called “Daylight,” the latest single from Joji’s highly anticipated new album Nectar, due out on September 25. Just in time for the dog days of summer, this midtempo anthem sets Joji’s signature croon against Diplo’s crisp production to create a hazy, shapeshifting aural mirage.   “Daylight” is the fourth pre-release track from Nectar. It follows the album’s first 2020 single, “Run,” which earned Joji his highest-ever bow on the Billboard Hot 100 and his television debut on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon; and second single “Gimme Love” which Complex hailed as "a sticky pop anthem with haunting vocals.” Last month, Joji also released a tingly and transformative remix of “Gimme Love” by Channel Tres.
  Joji是当前数字时代最迷人的艺术家之一。他对于自己的作品有一个完整的架构与视野,这种视野不仅仅局限于他的音乐创作,更是贯穿了他在艺术作品、影片拍摄和现场表演的各个方面。他通过自己的作品创造了一个完全真实的世界,他的追随者们得以在此间找到自己的位置并不断探寻进而展开对自身的认识。“我的音乐并不是传记式的”Joji如是说,但即便如此,任何一个受困于外部世界的人,都能够窥见其中深沉浓重的情感表达,谁又能完全定义什么是真实的归属呢?2019年,Joji北美巡演的门票在几分钟内就宣告售罄,他还参与了数场世界各地最火热的音乐节演出,其中包括英国的Reading & Leeds 音乐节和Lollapalooza音乐节。拥有着超过46亿的全球流量,可以预见2020年或将成为Joji大势之年。   Joji与Diplo 首次合作的新单曲“Daylight ”,是Joji备受期待的将于9月25日发行的新专辑《Nectar》中,最新释出的作品。正值夏日酷暑,在这首中速节奏的夏日歌曲中,Joji标志性的低声哼唱,与Diplo清爽的编曲碰撞结合,为听众营造出炎夏中,朦胧的不断变幻的听觉之海市蜃楼。   此次“Daylight”,是Joji即将发行的新专辑《Nectar》的第四首预发行单曲。此前,专辑的首支单曲“Run”, 创造了Joji个人单曲在Billboard Hot 100榜单的最高位记录,并为Joji获得了他在“The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon”节目上的首秀机会。而第二支单曲“Gimme Love“,被Complex誉为“摄人心魄的嗓音带来的令人听之难忘的流行单曲”。上个月,Joji还发布了由Channel Tres带来的“Gimme Love”刺激而充满变革性的混音版本。   Joji is one of the most enthralling artists of the digital age. He has a total vision for his work, not just in the writing and producing of his music, but artwork, videos, merch, and live performances as well. It’s a fully realized world that his fans can inhabit and explore—and see themselves in. “My music is not biographical,” he says, but even still, the deep, heavily shaded emotions in his songs are genuine and they speak to anyone who has ever felt stuck on the outside looking in, who knows what it means to not belong. In 2019, Joji sold-out his North America tour within minutes and performed at some of the most coveted festivals across the world, including Reading & Leeds in the UK and Lollapalooza. As Joji surpasses 4.6 billion global streams, 2020 promises to be his biggest year to date.   Joji teams with Diplo for the first time on a new collaboration with Diplo called “Daylight,” the latest single from Joji’s highly anticipated new album Nectar, due out on September 25. Just in time for the dog days of summer, this midtempo anthem sets Joji’s signature croon against Diplo’s crisp production to create a hazy, shapeshifting aural mirage.   “Daylight” is the fourth pre-release track from Nectar. It follows the album’s first 2020 single, “Run,” which earned Joji his highest-ever bow on the Billboard Hot 100 and his television debut on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon; and second single “Gimme Love” which Complex hailed as "a sticky pop anthem with haunting vocals.” Last month, Joji also released a tingly and transformative remix of “Gimme Love” by Channel Tres.
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