简介:  迄今为止,在全球已累计获得超过850M流媒体数据的21岁的NIKI, 始终坚持自主创作、录制和制作自己的歌曲,勇敢地打破了作为“流行偶像”的定式。这位出生在雅加达,现居洛杉矶的女孩,正吸引着整个世界的目光,Billboard盛赞她是“冉冉升起的最耀眼的新星之一”。   NIKI的个人首张全长专辑《MOONCHILD》,作为一张概念专辑,将带领听众共同经历三个自我探索的月相:新月(纯真、好奇、开端);半月/月蚀(失去希望、幻灭);满月(自我发现、力量)。这张专辑的灵感来自于NIKI在音乐上所受到的影响,将不同的音乐风格融入三联曲的音乐结构——R&B,流行,都市,Funk,乡村音乐——从单纯质朴的钢琴歌谣到精心编排的赞美诗。经过整整两年的制作,《MOONCHILD》集合了NIKI以及多位合作者,如制作人/词曲作者Jacob Ray、制作人组合 Bekon & the Donuts (曾为Kendrick Lamar, SZA制作)、蒙特利尔制作人Pomo (曾为Anderson .Paak, Mac Miller制作) 以及Starsmith (曾为Zedd, Kehlani, Ellie Goulding, Lady Gaga制作)。   继单曲“Switchblade,” “Selene,” 和 “Lose”在今年早些时候相继发行之后,《MOONCHILD》的故事即将进入终章,最后一个章节的主打曲目“Plot Twist”,是一首总结性的曲目,圆满了整张专辑的循环。在这支单曲之中,NIKI唱出她充实的自我发现之旅。“Plot Twist”就是她自己本身——一种全新的美丽的充满勇气的生活形式。这支单曲是一首献给她所最终成为的自己的情歌,一封写给她终于发现却从未预期过的灵魂的信笺。   With over 850M+ streams to date, 21-year-old NIKI has slammed the door on the conventions of pop stardom—writing, recording, and producing her music on her own. Born in Jakarta and based in Los Angeles, NIKI has captured the attention of audiences around the world, earning praise from Billboard “as one of the brightest rising stars.”   A concept album, NIKI’s debut LP, MOONCHILD, takes listeners through three lunar phases of self-exploration: crescent moon (innocence, curiosity, embarking); half-moon/eclipse (loss of hope, disillusionment); and the full moon (self-discovery, strength). The album draws inspiration from NIKI’s musical influences, infusing its triptych song structure with eclectic styles – R&B, pop, funk, country – from stripped-down piano ballads to lushly orchestrated anthems. A full two years in the making, MOONCHILD has brought NIKI together with such collaborators as producer/writer Jacob Ray, the producer collective Bekon & the Donuts (Kendrick Lamar, SZA), and Montreal producer Pomo (Anderson .Paak, Mac Miller), and Starsmith (Zedd, Kehlani, Ellie Goulding, Lady Gaga).   Following the release of “Switchblade,” “Selene,” and “Lose” earlier this year, the MOONCHILD saga reaches its final phase with its focus track “Plot Twist,” a conclusive track that evokes the album’s full circle moment. In this single, NIKI sings about her fulfilling journey of self-discovery, the “plot twist” being herself - a new, beautiful, and courageous life form. “Plot Twist” is a love song to the person she’s become, a letter to the spirit she never thought she’d come across, yet found.
  迄今为止,在全球已累计获得超过850M流媒体数据的21岁的NIKI, 始终坚持自主创作、录制和制作自己的歌曲,勇敢地打破了作为“流行偶像”的定式。这位出生在雅加达,现居洛杉矶的女孩,正吸引着整个世界的目光,Billboard盛赞她是“冉冉升起的最耀眼的新星之一”。   NIKI的个人首张全长专辑《MOONCHILD》,作为一张概念专辑,将带领听众共同经历三个自我探索的月相:新月(纯真、好奇、开端);半月/月蚀(失去希望、幻灭);满月(自我发现、力量)。这张专辑的灵感来自于NIKI在音乐上所受到的影响,将不同的音乐风格融入三联曲的音乐结构——R&B,流行,都市,Funk,乡村音乐——从单纯质朴的钢琴歌谣到精心编排的赞美诗。经过整整两年的制作,《MOONCHILD》集合了NIKI以及多位合作者,如制作人/词曲作者Jacob Ray、制作人组合 Bekon & the Donuts (曾为Kendrick Lamar, SZA制作)、蒙特利尔制作人Pomo (曾为Anderson .Paak, Mac Miller制作) 以及Starsmith (曾为Zedd, Kehlani, Ellie Goulding, Lady Gaga制作)。   继单曲“Switchblade,” “Selene,” 和 “Lose”在今年早些时候相继发行之后,《MOONCHILD》的故事即将进入终章,最后一个章节的主打曲目“Plot Twist”,是一首总结性的曲目,圆满了整张专辑的循环。在这支单曲之中,NIKI唱出她充实的自我发现之旅。“Plot Twist”就是她自己本身——一种全新的美丽的充满勇气的生活形式。这支单曲是一首献给她所最终成为的自己的情歌,一封写给她终于发现却从未预期过的灵魂的信笺。   With over 850M+ streams to date, 21-year-old NIKI has slammed the door on the conventions of pop stardom—writing, recording, and producing her music on her own. Born in Jakarta and based in Los Angeles, NIKI has captured the attention of audiences around the world, earning praise from Billboard “as one of the brightest rising stars.”   A concept album, NIKI’s debut LP, MOONCHILD, takes listeners through three lunar phases of self-exploration: crescent moon (innocence, curiosity, embarking); half-moon/eclipse (loss of hope, disillusionment); and the full moon (self-discovery, strength). The album draws inspiration from NIKI’s musical influences, infusing its triptych song structure with eclectic styles – R&B, pop, funk, country – from stripped-down piano ballads to lushly orchestrated anthems. A full two years in the making, MOONCHILD has brought NIKI together with such collaborators as producer/writer Jacob Ray, the producer collective Bekon & the Donuts (Kendrick Lamar, SZA), and Montreal producer Pomo (Anderson .Paak, Mac Miller), and Starsmith (Zedd, Kehlani, Ellie Goulding, Lady Gaga).   Following the release of “Switchblade,” “Selene,” and “Lose” earlier this year, the MOONCHILD saga reaches its final phase with its focus track “Plot Twist,” a conclusive track that evokes the album’s full circle moment. In this single, NIKI sings about her fulfilling journey of self-discovery, the “plot twist” being herself - a new, beautiful, and courageous life form. “Plot Twist” is a love song to the person she’s become, a letter to the spirit she never thought she’d come across, yet found.