My Sister's Keeper (Music From The Motion Picture)

发行公司:New Line Records
简介:  姐姐的守护者   莎拉和布莱恩·菲茨杰拉德与自己的长子和两岁的女儿凯特住在一起,不幸的是看起来聪明伶俐的凯特患有先天性白血病,这也意味着她的生命没有太长时间。夫妻俩的计划是再生一个孩子为凯特进行骨髓配型,好做骨髓移植以挽救她的生命。于是,他们在医院做了体外受精,在基因工程技术的帮助下,他们生下了和凯特的基因型完美契合的小女儿安娜。      从安娜出生为姐姐提供的脐带干细胞开始,每当姐姐的白血病一次又一次复发,安娜就要不断地提供血液和骨髓以保留姐姐的生命。在这个家庭频繁奔波于病房和理疗中心的同时,是一家人相亲相爱的生活场景。萨拉是一个对孩子照顾细致入微的母亲,在她得知凯特患病之后,她放弃了自己律师的工作,一心一意地照顾起了这个家。她有强烈的希望凯特活下去的意志。布莱恩·菲茨杰拉德是整个家庭的根基,在妻子面前总是显得唯唯诺诺和力不从心。他们唯一的儿子耶西是一个听话的孩子,为了给姐姐治疗,他也做出了极大的牺牲。      但是这一切,到了安娜11岁的时候,戛然而止。这一年,凯特因白血病,并发了肾衰竭,唯一能保留她生命的只有做肾移植。由于接受外人的肾脏移植的成活率不高,而家族内部又没有合适的人选,所以这次又需要安娜贡献出自己的一个肾脏来挽救姐姐。但是厌倦了作为姐姐的“人体器官库”的安娜为自己请了一个律师:她要从父母和姐姐那里解放自己的身体,获得“身体器官支配权”。她聘请的律师坎佩尔·亚历山大为她开始上诉忙碌。      在影片的结尾,安娜说出了自己请律师“维权”的真相,原来其实她并不是要找回属于自己的身体,而是常年病痛的折磨,使得凯特不再想继续在手术台上继续自己的生命了,凯特向安娜表示自己已经做好了迎接死亡的准备,而她也根本不准备接受安娜的肾脏。这时,安娜的律师带来消息说,安娜的“维权”有了结果,她可以任意支配自己的身体。但是,就在安娜想要宣布自己愿意为姐姐捐献肾脏的时候,她遭遇了车祸,变成了植物人。不过她的律师持有安娜的授权书,她的肾脏还是安在了姐姐的身上。重获生命的凯特对安娜的意外非常悲痛,她也在一天一天地照顾在医院中脑死亡的安娜。也许安娜在这个世界上不曾留下什么印记,但是当凯特掀起自己的衣服看着那些移植手术留下的一道道疤痕时,她将永远无法忘记安娜。         My Sister’s Keeper (2004), by Jodi Picoult, is a novel about a young girl who sues her parents for the right to make her own decisions about how her body is used when a kidney transplant is planned in order to save her older sister's life. The main themes surrounding this novel are family and bioethics.      Anna came into the world via in vitro fertilization, so that she would be a genetic match for her older sister Kate, who was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia when she was 2 years old. When Anna was born, her cord blood was donated to Kate, but when the leukemia returned, Anna then had to donate blood and bone marrow. When Kate's kidneys fail, Anna is expected to donate one of her own, but she hires a lawyer to be medically emancipated from her parents and gain the right to make the decision herself. Her lawyer, Campbell Alexander, works for her pro bono.      At the end of the book, it is revealed that the reason Anna initiated the lawsuit was that her sister didn't want her to donate the kidney; Kate was tired of being sick and was ready to die. After the trial, Anna is granted medical emancipation but just as she is about to reveal whether she will donate, she suffers a closed head injury in a car crash and is left brain dead. As Campbell Alexander has power of attorney for Anna, he agrees to the donation.      In the epilogue, it is revealed that Kate survived the transplant, although doctors had thought she might be too weak. Kate believes that the reason she survived is that Anna took her place in heaven.
  姐姐的守护者   莎拉和布莱恩·菲茨杰拉德与自己的长子和两岁的女儿凯特住在一起,不幸的是看起来聪明伶俐的凯特患有先天性白血病,这也意味着她的生命没有太长时间。夫妻俩的计划是再生一个孩子为凯特进行骨髓配型,好做骨髓移植以挽救她的生命。于是,他们在医院做了体外受精,在基因工程技术的帮助下,他们生下了和凯特的基因型完美契合的小女儿安娜。      从安娜出生为姐姐提供的脐带干细胞开始,每当姐姐的白血病一次又一次复发,安娜就要不断地提供血液和骨髓以保留姐姐的生命。在这个家庭频繁奔波于病房和理疗中心的同时,是一家人相亲相爱的生活场景。萨拉是一个对孩子照顾细致入微的母亲,在她得知凯特患病之后,她放弃了自己律师的工作,一心一意地照顾起了这个家。她有强烈的希望凯特活下去的意志。布莱恩·菲茨杰拉德是整个家庭的根基,在妻子面前总是显得唯唯诺诺和力不从心。他们唯一的儿子耶西是一个听话的孩子,为了给姐姐治疗,他也做出了极大的牺牲。      但是这一切,到了安娜11岁的时候,戛然而止。这一年,凯特因白血病,并发了肾衰竭,唯一能保留她生命的只有做肾移植。由于接受外人的肾脏移植的成活率不高,而家族内部又没有合适的人选,所以这次又需要安娜贡献出自己的一个肾脏来挽救姐姐。但是厌倦了作为姐姐的“人体器官库”的安娜为自己请了一个律师:她要从父母和姐姐那里解放自己的身体,获得“身体器官支配权”。她聘请的律师坎佩尔·亚历山大为她开始上诉忙碌。      在影片的结尾,安娜说出了自己请律师“维权”的真相,原来其实她并不是要找回属于自己的身体,而是常年病痛的折磨,使得凯特不再想继续在手术台上继续自己的生命了,凯特向安娜表示自己已经做好了迎接死亡的准备,而她也根本不准备接受安娜的肾脏。这时,安娜的律师带来消息说,安娜的“维权”有了结果,她可以任意支配自己的身体。但是,就在安娜想要宣布自己愿意为姐姐捐献肾脏的时候,她遭遇了车祸,变成了植物人。不过她的律师持有安娜的授权书,她的肾脏还是安在了姐姐的身上。重获生命的凯特对安娜的意外非常悲痛,她也在一天一天地照顾在医院中脑死亡的安娜。也许安娜在这个世界上不曾留下什么印记,但是当凯特掀起自己的衣服看着那些移植手术留下的一道道疤痕时,她将永远无法忘记安娜。         My Sister’s Keeper (2004), by Jodi Picoult, is a novel about a young girl who sues her parents for the right to make her own decisions about how her body is used when a kidney transplant is planned in order to save her older sister's life. The main themes surrounding this novel are family and bioethics.      Anna came into the world via in vitro fertilization, so that she would be a genetic match for her older sister Kate, who was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia when she was 2 years old. When Anna was born, her cord blood was donated to Kate, but when the leukemia returned, Anna then had to donate blood and bone marrow. When Kate's kidneys fail, Anna is expected to donate one of her own, but she hires a lawyer to be medically emancipated from her parents and gain the right to make the decision herself. Her lawyer, Campbell Alexander, works for her pro bono.      At the end of the book, it is revealed that the reason Anna initiated the lawsuit was that her sister didn't want her to donate the kidney; Kate was tired of being sick and was ready to die. After the trial, Anna is granted medical emancipation but just as she is about to reveal whether she will donate, she suffers a closed head injury in a car crash and is left brain dead. As Campbell Alexander has power of attorney for Anna, he agrees to the donation.      In the epilogue, it is revealed that Kate survived the transplant, although doctors had thought she might be too weak. Kate believes that the reason she survived is that Anna took her place in heaven.