简介:  从他的个人EP《FATHER》到即将发行的专辑《EMOTIONAL CUH》,AUGUST 08用作品毫不掩饰地叙述了他的生活。这些歌曲是他自我存在的延伸,父亲的缺失、不断背井离乡、帮派文化和其所带来的社群氛围(好坏兼有),所有这些伴随他在洛杉矶长大的元素。而这些作品得以通过他的视角,将这些真实的生活方式详尽地展现出来。   在August的创作中,一个长期贯穿其中的特点以及在这张专辑中的突出特色是,他擅长运用第三人称的视角来诠释自己的情感,以帮助他自己(尽可能客观地)审视他在生活中所熟知并沉浸的环境。从与家人的关系、到他在帮派文化、种族问题、警察暴力中的生存状态,以及他与朋友、与女性的关系,一切都在其中。   《EMOTIONAL CUH》是August讲述自我成长的思考、感触与体验的生活切片。它们直面与讲述那些造就今天的他的生活的真相。整张专辑由线索有逻辑地带领听众聆听并进入他的音乐世界。《EMOTIONAL CUH》还将有一个配套微剧集,以章节的形式将音乐中的歌词和旋律视觉化,并由August和Barney Bones担当旁白。Barney Bones是一位优秀的艺术家/作曲家/编剧,同时也是Just Friends的成员之一。   当下世界的现状进一步证实,一个具有压迫性与不平衡性的系统正逐渐显露出其所造成的微小的裂隙,而这一系统通过法律与决策又在进一步推卸自身的责任,并量身定制一个服务于该系统的叙事。而August是在这一制度边缘下成长的,虽然这一系统从未向他张开怀抱,但他仍站在这里,向他的同胞们发声。   From his EP FATHER to the upcoming album ?EMOTIONAL CUH?, AUGUST 08 unapologetically narrates his life. These projects are extensions of his existence; absentee father, constant uprooting, gang culture and the community that it brings (the good and bad), all elements of growing up in Los Angeles, CA. These projects detail his actual lifestyle from his own eyes.   A consistent theme featured throughout August’s songwriting and the prominent message of this project is brilliantly expressing his emotions in third person to help himself (as objectively as he can) assess the overwhelming environments he's known and been immersed in his whole life. Everything from relationships with family to his existence in the midst of gang culture, racism, police violence as well as his relationships with friends and with women.   EMOTIONAL CUH? is a slice into the coming of age thoughts, feelings and experiences narrated by August. It speaks directly to the truths that have made him who he is. It was strategically made to listen through all together to bring you into his world. EMOTIONAL CUH will feature an accompanied episodic short-film broken up in chapters visualizing the lyrics of the songs and interludes, narrated by August and Barney Bones, an incredible artist/songwriter/screenwriter in his own right and fellow member of the collective Just Friends.   The current state of the world further confirms the nuanced consequences of an oppressive and disproportionate system that minimizes its own responsibilities to those consequences through laws and decisions that pacify the black experience, passing blame, all while tailor making a narrative that further serves the system. August is a product of the fringes of this system, one that never included him, yet here he emerges, speaking boldly to his people.
  从他的个人EP《FATHER》到即将发行的专辑《EMOTIONAL CUH》,AUGUST 08用作品毫不掩饰地叙述了他的生活。这些歌曲是他自我存在的延伸,父亲的缺失、不断背井离乡、帮派文化和其所带来的社群氛围(好坏兼有),所有这些伴随他在洛杉矶长大的元素。而这些作品得以通过他的视角,将这些真实的生活方式详尽地展现出来。   在August的创作中,一个长期贯穿其中的特点以及在这张专辑中的突出特色是,他擅长运用第三人称的视角来诠释自己的情感,以帮助他自己(尽可能客观地)审视他在生活中所熟知并沉浸的环境。从与家人的关系、到他在帮派文化、种族问题、警察暴力中的生存状态,以及他与朋友、与女性的关系,一切都在其中。   《EMOTIONAL CUH》是August讲述自我成长的思考、感触与体验的生活切片。它们直面与讲述那些造就今天的他的生活的真相。整张专辑由线索有逻辑地带领听众聆听并进入他的音乐世界。《EMOTIONAL CUH》还将有一个配套微剧集,以章节的形式将音乐中的歌词和旋律视觉化,并由August和Barney Bones担当旁白。Barney Bones是一位优秀的艺术家/作曲家/编剧,同时也是Just Friends的成员之一。   当下世界的现状进一步证实,一个具有压迫性与不平衡性的系统正逐渐显露出其所造成的微小的裂隙,而这一系统通过法律与决策又在进一步推卸自身的责任,并量身定制一个服务于该系统的叙事。而August是在这一制度边缘下成长的,虽然这一系统从未向他张开怀抱,但他仍站在这里,向他的同胞们发声。   From his EP FATHER to the upcoming album ?EMOTIONAL CUH?, AUGUST 08 unapologetically narrates his life. These projects are extensions of his existence; absentee father, constant uprooting, gang culture and the community that it brings (the good and bad), all elements of growing up in Los Angeles, CA. These projects detail his actual lifestyle from his own eyes.   A consistent theme featured throughout August’s songwriting and the prominent message of this project is brilliantly expressing his emotions in third person to help himself (as objectively as he can) assess the overwhelming environments he's known and been immersed in his whole life. Everything from relationships with family to his existence in the midst of gang culture, racism, police violence as well as his relationships with friends and with women.   EMOTIONAL CUH? is a slice into the coming of age thoughts, feelings and experiences narrated by August. It speaks directly to the truths that have made him who he is. It was strategically made to listen through all together to bring you into his world. EMOTIONAL CUH will feature an accompanied episodic short-film broken up in chapters visualizing the lyrics of the songs and interludes, narrated by August and Barney Bones, an incredible artist/songwriter/screenwriter in his own right and fellow member of the collective Just Friends.   The current state of the world further confirms the nuanced consequences of an oppressive and disproportionate system that minimizes its own responsibilities to those consequences through laws and decisions that pacify the black experience, passing blame, all while tailor making a narrative that further serves the system. August is a product of the fringes of this system, one that never included him, yet here he emerges, speaking boldly to his people.