发行公司:Infinite Thrills/88rising Records
简介:  “IRL”是一首节奏欢快的如同白日梦般美妙的作品,在歌曲中,Stephanie Poetri回首2020这充满动荡的一年,并想起那些一路走来照亮了她的人们。在这首恰逢新年、明朗愉悦的歌曲飘扬的旋律和恰如其分的编曲中,Stephanie忆及2020灰暗时光中的闪亮时刻,虽然大部分时间她被困在雅加达的家中,但身边美好的人们陪伴她幸福地度过了这一年。   专辑《AM:PM》以音乐企划的形式将Stephanie轻快的白日梦与肃穆的午夜质询一并展现。曲目们一以贯之地呈现出一个完整的,从充满希望、活力与爱意的早上到沉浸在自我情绪中忧郁的夜晚,所具有的双重性的情绪线。从明快的唱腔与和声开始,随后进入由柔软的吉他与贝斯构筑的R&B段落。从首至尾聆听,《AM:PM》将带领听众从白天到夜晚无缝过渡。   印尼流行音乐界“冉冉升起的新星”Stephanie Poetri自出道以来,就备受Teen Vogue、E!Online等媒体的赞誉,AllMusic称其具有“甜美的极富旋律性的演唱风格”。自她突破性的单曲“I Love You 3000”大获成功之后,这位印尼/美国籍歌手、唱作者和制作人通过她深受大众喜爱的流行音乐和视频作品获得了全世界范围内的关注,也向大众展示了她充满娱乐精神的个人特质。在最近的iHeart电台和迪士尼电台定期轮播节目中,这位19岁的歌手获得了iHeart电台的音乐奖项提名,此前她刚刚在韩国最受瞩目的年度音乐颁奖典礼MAMA上获得了印尼区最佳亚洲新人奖。   她令人愉悦的音乐氛围、积极向上的歌词和短小精悍的音乐体裁,为听众们带来了优美声线和火花四溅的电子乐器演奏的绝美组合,吸引了Instagram上超130万以及Youtube上百万计的听众为之着迷。对于Stephanie来说,2020是创作与成长的一年,在2021年初,她将推出自己备受期待的首张EP《AM:PM》   "IRL"is an upbeat daydream of a song that ruminates on the tumultuous year that was 2020 and the people that have brightened Stephanie’s year along the way.A timely,bright piece that echoes in the floaty melodies and seamless production of the song,Stephanie reflects on the silver linings of 2020 and how she's been stuck at home in Jakarta but the people around her have carried her through the year with happiness.   ‘AM:PM’manifests Stephanie’s light hearted daydreams and solemn midnight queries in the form of a musical project.The flow of the tracklist represents the duality between emotions that can arise during the morning(hopeful,energized,love)versus the evening(in your feelings,somber,melancholy).Starting with bright acoustic sounds and harmonies then leading into elements of R&B(soft guitar and bass),‘AM:PM’transitions seamlessly from day to night sonically when you listen to the tracks from top to bottom.   Named a“rising global pop star”by InqPOP!,Stephanie Poetri has received acclaim from outlets like Teen Vogue,E!Online,and AllMusic,which have praised her“sweetly melodic style.”Since her breakthrough hit“I Love You 3000,”Indonesian/American singer,songwriter and producer Stephanie Poetri has connected with audiences worldwide through her accessible pop songs and videos showcasing her fun-loving personality.In regular rotation on iHeart Radio and Radio Disney,the 20-year-old is also iHeartRadio Music Award nominated and won Best New Asian Artist-Indonesia at MAMA,South Korea’s leading annual music awards show.   Her feel-good vibe,optimistic lyrics and cupcake-sized songs offering a delicious mix of acoustic and electric instrumentation with sprinkles of EDM,have whetted the appetites of over 1.3 million followers on Instagram and 1 million subscribers on YouTube.2020 has been a year of immense creative growth for Stephanie and in early 2021 she’s set to release her highly anticipated debut EP called‘AM:PM’.
  “IRL”是一首节奏欢快的如同白日梦般美妙的作品,在歌曲中,Stephanie Poetri回首2020这充满动荡的一年,并想起那些一路走来照亮了她的人们。在这首恰逢新年、明朗愉悦的歌曲飘扬的旋律和恰如其分的编曲中,Stephanie忆及2020灰暗时光中的闪亮时刻,虽然大部分时间她被困在雅加达的家中,但身边美好的人们陪伴她幸福地度过了这一年。   专辑《AM:PM》以音乐企划的形式将Stephanie轻快的白日梦与肃穆的午夜质询一并展现。曲目们一以贯之地呈现出一个完整的,从充满希望、活力与爱意的早上到沉浸在自我情绪中忧郁的夜晚,所具有的双重性的情绪线。从明快的唱腔与和声开始,随后进入由柔软的吉他与贝斯构筑的R&B段落。从首至尾聆听,《AM:PM》将带领听众从白天到夜晚无缝过渡。   印尼流行音乐界“冉冉升起的新星”Stephanie Poetri自出道以来,就备受Teen Vogue、E!Online等媒体的赞誉,AllMusic称其具有“甜美的极富旋律性的演唱风格”。自她突破性的单曲“I Love You 3000”大获成功之后,这位印尼/美国籍歌手、唱作者和制作人通过她深受大众喜爱的流行音乐和视频作品获得了全世界范围内的关注,也向大众展示了她充满娱乐精神的个人特质。在最近的iHeart电台和迪士尼电台定期轮播节目中,这位19岁的歌手获得了iHeart电台的音乐奖项提名,此前她刚刚在韩国最受瞩目的年度音乐颁奖典礼MAMA上获得了印尼区最佳亚洲新人奖。   她令人愉悦的音乐氛围、积极向上的歌词和短小精悍的音乐体裁,为听众们带来了优美声线和火花四溅的电子乐器演奏的绝美组合,吸引了Instagram上超130万以及Youtube上百万计的听众为之着迷。对于Stephanie来说,2020是创作与成长的一年,在2021年初,她将推出自己备受期待的首张EP《AM:PM》   "IRL"is an upbeat daydream of a song that ruminates on the tumultuous year that was 2020 and the people that have brightened Stephanie’s year along the way.A timely,bright piece that echoes in the floaty melodies and seamless production of the song,Stephanie reflects on the silver linings of 2020 and how she's been stuck at home in Jakarta but the people around her have carried her through the year with happiness.   ‘AM:PM’manifests Stephanie’s light hearted daydreams and solemn midnight queries in the form of a musical project.The flow of the tracklist represents the duality between emotions that can arise during the morning(hopeful,energized,love)versus the evening(in your feelings,somber,melancholy).Starting with bright acoustic sounds and harmonies then leading into elements of R&B(soft guitar and bass),‘AM:PM’transitions seamlessly from day to night sonically when you listen to the tracks from top to bottom.   Named a“rising global pop star”by InqPOP!,Stephanie Poetri has received acclaim from outlets like Teen Vogue,E!Online,and AllMusic,which have praised her“sweetly melodic style.”Since her breakthrough hit“I Love You 3000,”Indonesian/American singer,songwriter and producer Stephanie Poetri has connected with audiences worldwide through her accessible pop songs and videos showcasing her fun-loving personality.In regular rotation on iHeart Radio and Radio Disney,the 20-year-old is also iHeartRadio Music Award nominated and won Best New Asian Artist-Indonesia at MAMA,South Korea’s leading annual music awards show.   Her feel-good vibe,optimistic lyrics and cupcake-sized songs offering a delicious mix of acoustic and electric instrumentation with sprinkles of EDM,have whetted the appetites of over 1.3 million followers on Instagram and 1 million subscribers on YouTube.2020 has been a year of immense creative growth for Stephanie and in early 2021 she’s set to release her highly anticipated debut EP called‘AM:PM’.