
简介:  这是双鸟TwoBirds的第一张专辑。所有歌曲都是在大学里写的。破旧的拆迁房,学校的教室,防洪通道改成的排练室都是我们录音的场所,设备也是东拼西凑。兜兜转转,终于在乐队成立的第六个年头,给这个学生时代画上句号。   六年的时间里,这个世界上很多事情都改变了:争斗、泡沫、党同伐异,许多无法想象和接受的事情如今似乎都开始司空见惯。在这场狂欢里,我们乐队也在改变。从最初坐在校园食堂里想着永不妥协这个玩笑般世界的三个犬儒,变成拖家带口、游走于生活与寄托之间的五个鹰犬。六年里少了一些愤怒、一些少年心气、一些隐喻和嘲弄。但表达的欲望从未曾改变和停止过,也永远不会停止。表达看法,是我们与这个世界沟通交流最好的方式,我们如此确信并用它来对待所有的人。   《静唐路》这首歌是局外人的记述,讲述一个事先张扬、每一个看似局外人的见证者都参与其中的真实故事。有时悲剧,也不过是生活的茶余饭后。   《废人与狂人的现在与过去》是游走于意识与生活之间,带有嘲弄与不甘的表达。生活的隐喻有时看起来也可以风和日丽。   《平庸之恶》(The Banality of Evil)本是由犹太裔哲学家汉娜·阿伦特在对纳粹战犯阿道夫·艾希曼的审判报告中提出,指在意识形态机器下无思想、无责任的犯罪。我们借用这个词叙述并想象一个认知缺失后的土地上的故事。   所幸当初的这份真挚得到了保留,它变成一个出口,一个宣泄的出口。当外界带来的压抑感袭遍全身时,我闭上眼睛,回忆起写过的字句,回忆起我们第一次在舞台上把自己的“孩子”展示给大家时的羞怯。那时我站在台上,清了清嗓:   “我是平庸的杰作,唱的歌也是黑夜。”   现在,我们决定把这其中带有的一丝美好和隐藏起来的苦痛,同你们一起度过。   This is our first album. All the songs have been planned, composed and recorded during the college days. Classrooms, flood control tunnels and even shabby houses waiting to be pulled down were turned into our recording room, while the recording devices were also scraped up from borrowing and renting. Wandering through difficulties and setbacks since the band was formed six years ago, we finally put a belated ending to our college days with this album.   Six years. The world has changed a lot. What have been unimaginable and unacceptable: vicious strife, empty bubbles and extreme exclusion of dissidents, now become the norm. In such a carnival-like world, we have also changed. The three cynics debating how to resist the absurd world in the dinning room become five rat racers wandering between the burden of life and the pursuit of dream. Six years rid us of some anger, of some youthful spirits and of some metaphors and ridicules, but our will to express ourselves has never changed or ceased and will never change or cease. I believe this is the best way to communicate with the world and people.   "Jingtang Road" is a bystander’s narration of a foretold murder where every seemingly irrelevant onlooking witness is actually a part of it. Sometimes, tragedy is nothing but topics to chat about at leisure.   "Present and Past of the Beaten and the Crazy" is a ridiculing and unreconciled expression of the wandering between reality and imagination, where the metaphor of life can seem serene and peaceful.   "The Banality of Evil", a term originally proposed by Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt in a report on Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann's trial, refers to the crime of being an unthinking and irresponsible person under the control of the ideological state apparatus. With this term, we imagined and narrated the story of an earth deficient in awareness.   Fortunately, my youthful earnestness has been preserved until today, which becomes an outlet, an emotional outlet. When a sense of depression from the outside world creeps all over myself, I would close my eyes and look back on those lyrics, on the shyness of us on the stage when we showed our “children” to the audiences for the first time, on the moment when I stood on the stage, cleared my throat and sang:   "I'm a mediocre masterpiece; I sing the song of the dark night."   Now, I decide to dedicate the little blessings and sufferings hidden in the songs to you.   Let’s make it together.
  这是双鸟TwoBirds的第一张专辑。所有歌曲都是在大学里写的。破旧的拆迁房,学校的教室,防洪通道改成的排练室都是我们录音的场所,设备也是东拼西凑。兜兜转转,终于在乐队成立的第六个年头,给这个学生时代画上句号。   六年的时间里,这个世界上很多事情都改变了:争斗、泡沫、党同伐异,许多无法想象和接受的事情如今似乎都开始司空见惯。在这场狂欢里,我们乐队也在改变。从最初坐在校园食堂里想着永不妥协这个玩笑般世界的三个犬儒,变成拖家带口、游走于生活与寄托之间的五个鹰犬。六年里少了一些愤怒、一些少年心气、一些隐喻和嘲弄。但表达的欲望从未曾改变和停止过,也永远不会停止。表达看法,是我们与这个世界沟通交流最好的方式,我们如此确信并用它来对待所有的人。   《静唐路》这首歌是局外人的记述,讲述一个事先张扬、每一个看似局外人的见证者都参与其中的真实故事。有时悲剧,也不过是生活的茶余饭后。   《废人与狂人的现在与过去》是游走于意识与生活之间,带有嘲弄与不甘的表达。生活的隐喻有时看起来也可以风和日丽。   《平庸之恶》(The Banality of Evil)本是由犹太裔哲学家汉娜·阿伦特在对纳粹战犯阿道夫·艾希曼的审判报告中提出,指在意识形态机器下无思想、无责任的犯罪。我们借用这个词叙述并想象一个认知缺失后的土地上的故事。   所幸当初的这份真挚得到了保留,它变成一个出口,一个宣泄的出口。当外界带来的压抑感袭遍全身时,我闭上眼睛,回忆起写过的字句,回忆起我们第一次在舞台上把自己的“孩子”展示给大家时的羞怯。那时我站在台上,清了清嗓:   “我是平庸的杰作,唱的歌也是黑夜。”   现在,我们决定把这其中带有的一丝美好和隐藏起来的苦痛,同你们一起度过。   This is our first album. All the songs have been planned, composed and recorded during the college days. Classrooms, flood control tunnels and even shabby houses waiting to be pulled down were turned into our recording room, while the recording devices were also scraped up from borrowing and renting. Wandering through difficulties and setbacks since the band was formed six years ago, we finally put a belated ending to our college days with this album.   Six years. The world has changed a lot. What have been unimaginable and unacceptable: vicious strife, empty bubbles and extreme exclusion of dissidents, now become the norm. In such a carnival-like world, we have also changed. The three cynics debating how to resist the absurd world in the dinning room become five rat racers wandering between the burden of life and the pursuit of dream. Six years rid us of some anger, of some youthful spirits and of some metaphors and ridicules, but our will to express ourselves has never changed or ceased and will never change or cease. I believe this is the best way to communicate with the world and people.   "Jingtang Road" is a bystander’s narration of a foretold murder where every seemingly irrelevant onlooking witness is actually a part of it. Sometimes, tragedy is nothing but topics to chat about at leisure.   "Present and Past of the Beaten and the Crazy" is a ridiculing and unreconciled expression of the wandering between reality and imagination, where the metaphor of life can seem serene and peaceful.   "The Banality of Evil", a term originally proposed by Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt in a report on Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann's trial, refers to the crime of being an unthinking and irresponsible person under the control of the ideological state apparatus. With this term, we imagined and narrated the story of an earth deficient in awareness.   Fortunately, my youthful earnestness has been preserved until today, which becomes an outlet, an emotional outlet. When a sense of depression from the outside world creeps all over myself, I would close my eyes and look back on those lyrics, on the shyness of us on the stage when we showed our “children” to the audiences for the first time, on the moment when I stood on the stage, cleared my throat and sang:   "I'm a mediocre masterpiece; I sing the song of the dark night."   Now, I decide to dedicate the little blessings and sufferings hidden in the songs to you.   Let’s make it together.