
简介:  国际级唢吶演奏大师郭雅志 唤醒中国音乐的爵士灵魂   东西管乐惊奇相遇 碰撞出现代语境下的古老回响   「舞台上一颗耀眼的明星」──瑞士《日内瓦论坛》   「中国的路易斯.阿姆斯特朗」──波士顿电台   《龙在吟》,中国的声音,现代语境下古老的回响。   东方的唢吶、管子、排箫、竹笛、陶笛、葫芦丝,西方的萨克斯,演奏大师郭雅志信手拈来;辅以古筝、二胡、乌德琴、小提琴等弦乐器密切配合,要的是律动,玩的是即兴。中国音乐本有爵士的灵魂,舞蹈的属性,更有海纳百川的精神。神游先秦,你听到的该是此等风骨;梦回大唐,你感受到的该是这般风情。大洋彼岸的天空下,一段说唱,为你拉开帷幕:   曼哈顿的夜空,密云不雨   时代广场的霓虹,教人难以抗拒   看,一道闪电,划过四十四街的剧院   是龙,要把东方的故事吹送   <The Dragon’s Song>, sounds of China, reverberations of ancient tones in a contemporary context.   Be it the Eastern suona, panpipes, the bamboo flute, the xun, the cucurbit flute or the Western saxophone, maestro Yazhi Guo has both worlds at his fingertips. Accompanied by the seamless echoes of such string instruments as the guzheng, erhu, oud, and the violin, one arrives at the essence of groove, unlocked through the art of improvisation. Long lived in the body of Chinese music are the soul of jazz, the spirits of rhythm, and an unbounded openness to include and embrace. Let what you hear channel a journey to pre-Qin Chinese antiquity; and let what you feel bridge this world with the legacies of the Great Tang Dynasty. Under the sky, across the oceans, the curtain is raised—and the stage slowly unveiled—as the storyteller narrates:   The night sky of Manhattan, cloudy yet rainless;   How irresistible – the double rainbow hanging over Times Square;   Behold! That whip of lightening, cutting across the storm-darkened sky above the 44th Street Theater;   It is the dragon, escorting a story of the far, Eastern land.
  国际级唢吶演奏大师郭雅志 唤醒中国音乐的爵士灵魂   东西管乐惊奇相遇 碰撞出现代语境下的古老回响   「舞台上一颗耀眼的明星」──瑞士《日内瓦论坛》   「中国的路易斯.阿姆斯特朗」──波士顿电台   《龙在吟》,中国的声音,现代语境下古老的回响。   东方的唢吶、管子、排箫、竹笛、陶笛、葫芦丝,西方的萨克斯,演奏大师郭雅志信手拈来;辅以古筝、二胡、乌德琴、小提琴等弦乐器密切配合,要的是律动,玩的是即兴。中国音乐本有爵士的灵魂,舞蹈的属性,更有海纳百川的精神。神游先秦,你听到的该是此等风骨;梦回大唐,你感受到的该是这般风情。大洋彼岸的天空下,一段说唱,为你拉开帷幕:   曼哈顿的夜空,密云不雨   时代广场的霓虹,教人难以抗拒   看,一道闪电,划过四十四街的剧院   是龙,要把东方的故事吹送   <The Dragon’s Song>, sounds of China, reverberations of ancient tones in a contemporary context.   Be it the Eastern suona, panpipes, the bamboo flute, the xun, the cucurbit flute or the Western saxophone, maestro Yazhi Guo has both worlds at his fingertips. Accompanied by the seamless echoes of such string instruments as the guzheng, erhu, oud, and the violin, one arrives at the essence of groove, unlocked through the art of improvisation. Long lived in the body of Chinese music are the soul of jazz, the spirits of rhythm, and an unbounded openness to include and embrace. Let what you hear channel a journey to pre-Qin Chinese antiquity; and let what you feel bridge this world with the legacies of the Great Tang Dynasty. Under the sky, across the oceans, the curtain is raised—and the stage slowly unveiled—as the storyteller narrates:   The night sky of Manhattan, cloudy yet rainless;   How irresistible – the double rainbow hanging over Times Square;   Behold! That whip of lightening, cutting across the storm-darkened sky above the 44th Street Theater;   It is the dragon, escorting a story of the far, Eastern land.