Daredevil - The Album

发行公司:The Bicycle Music Company
简介:  夜魔侠   改编自畅销漫画的《夜魔侠》,是挑战2002年《蜘蛛人》的年度大片,由本·艾弗莱克担纲演出捍卫正义家喻户晓的漫画英雄。有了如此强大的阵容与精彩的故事情节,其电影原声带部分也非常出色。      摇滚界新生代乐队在本原声带中齐聚一堂,纷纷献上最新佳作。4人摇乐队Fuel,带来现代摇滚风格的单曲《Won’tBackDown》,拥有帅气主音的洛杉矶摇滚5人团体TheCalling,唱出让久候多时的歌迷全新大作《ForYou》,来自猫王故乡曼菲斯的重摇滚乐队Saliva,投下一枚重量级单曲《BleedForMe》,加拿大流行Grunge乐队Nickelback,以《LearnTheHardWay》再添一曲热闹过瘾之作。同为各大媒体推荐的3人摇滚劲旅Seether与Chevelle的歌曲《HangOn》及《UntilYou’reReformed》。此外,电子音乐界鬼才莫比也为此片贡献了一首“EveningRain”,意境感非常绝妙。      One wonders what Daredevil the superhero might make of Daredevil: The Album. Given his heightened sense of hearing, the costumed one would probably grab the volume control, since tinnitus-inducing modern rock is the primary fare here. Despite strong new fare from Fuel, Saliva, and Nickelback, the pairing of Drowning Pool with another cartoon character, Rob Zombie, is the clear winner on personality alone. Two cuts from newcomers Evanescence, including the song showcased in the film's trailer ("Bring Me to Life"), also stand out thanks to the dramatic vocals of Amy Lee, who should find favor with Tori Amos fans. Respites from the hard rock action round out the disc: a collaboration between Nappy Roots and P.O.D. guitarist Marcus Curiel is a rap-rock outing that actually satisfies on both levels, Autopilot Off chime in with some peppy emo, and the title theme gets a Chemical Brothers-style big beat overhaul. --Kurt B. Reighley
  夜魔侠   改编自畅销漫画的《夜魔侠》,是挑战2002年《蜘蛛人》的年度大片,由本·艾弗莱克担纲演出捍卫正义家喻户晓的漫画英雄。有了如此强大的阵容与精彩的故事情节,其电影原声带部分也非常出色。      摇滚界新生代乐队在本原声带中齐聚一堂,纷纷献上最新佳作。4人摇乐队Fuel,带来现代摇滚风格的单曲《Won’tBackDown》,拥有帅气主音的洛杉矶摇滚5人团体TheCalling,唱出让久候多时的歌迷全新大作《ForYou》,来自猫王故乡曼菲斯的重摇滚乐队Saliva,投下一枚重量级单曲《BleedForMe》,加拿大流行Grunge乐队Nickelback,以《LearnTheHardWay》再添一曲热闹过瘾之作。同为各大媒体推荐的3人摇滚劲旅Seether与Chevelle的歌曲《HangOn》及《UntilYou’reReformed》。此外,电子音乐界鬼才莫比也为此片贡献了一首“EveningRain”,意境感非常绝妙。      One wonders what Daredevil the superhero might make of Daredevil: The Album. Given his heightened sense of hearing, the costumed one would probably grab the volume control, since tinnitus-inducing modern rock is the primary fare here. Despite strong new fare from Fuel, Saliva, and Nickelback, the pairing of Drowning Pool with another cartoon character, Rob Zombie, is the clear winner on personality alone. Two cuts from newcomers Evanescence, including the song showcased in the film's trailer ("Bring Me to Life"), also stand out thanks to the dramatic vocals of Amy Lee, who should find favor with Tori Amos fans. Respites from the hard rock action round out the disc: a collaboration between Nappy Roots and P.O.D. guitarist Marcus Curiel is a rap-rock outing that actually satisfies on both levels, Autopilot Off chime in with some peppy emo, and the title theme gets a Chemical Brothers-style big beat overhaul. --Kurt B. Reighley