Sa Dingding / Harmony CD+ Premium(China Version)

发行公司:Shanghai Tian Yun
简介:  Harmony   重量级幕后制作团队   专辑《天地合》由世界级音乐大师Marius De Vries与制作人Ross Cullum参与打造。与Marius De Vries和Ross Cullum合作过的艺人包括Madonna、U2、David Bowie、The Cranberries、Massive Attack、PJ Harvey、Craig Armstrong、Josh Groban、Rufus Wainwright、Damien Rice、Teddy Thompson、Annie Lennox和Tori Amos、Enya等,均为个性强烈、演唱风格独特的世界知名歌手。此次Marius De Vries和Ross Cullum与萨顶顶共同打造新专辑,两位大师对萨顶顶的重视程度可见一斑,《天地合》的面世发行值得期待。      云南印象的自我表达   萨顶顶第二张个人创作专辑《天地合》英文名定为“Harmony”,取“天地合则万物生”之意。专辑中渗透入丰富的云南元素,运用了众多萨顶顶于云南采风得来的珍贵音乐采样,如“巫鼓”等。首唱会现场的两位男性伴唱,就是从云南当地请来的本土歌者。萨顶顶演出时的一身民族装束,便是经设计师由云南民族服装改制而成,演出前服装曾惹来争议,但萨顶顶坚决采用这身服装表演,坚持大胆地表达自己对云南的所感所想。而对于大家把她与杨丽萍进行比较并列举出有某些创作上的类似,萨顶顶表示并些比较,而且自己看过并非常欣赏杨丽萍的表演。   喜欢唱歌故不惧人言   关于出道经历,萨顶顶表示自己从流行音乐出发,但是现在已经长大了,成长之中经历更多,也需要更多的自我表达。对全世界听众对自己不尽相同的评论中,萨顶顶把自己的音乐简单地归类为“电子流行”,并透露,自己对音轨、音色等音乐制作元素太过熟悉,制作音乐已经如同“十字绣花”,所以在固定的模式中一直积极寻求着突破,因为喜欢唱歌,所以不怕别人说什么。         Sa Dingding (born 1983-12-27) is a Chinese folk singer and songwriter. Her 2nd album.      With her unmistakable unique voice and distinctive musical vision, Sa Dingding represents an original creative passion affected by ethnic diversity and shaped by a modern China. As the first artist in her country to sing in Sanskrit and even in an entirely self-created language-otherwise its in Mandarin or Tibetan - she beautifully combines traditional Chinese fold music with Western electronica and influences of classical and soul. The result is a richly layered tapestry of the ethereal, escapist, eclectic and simply unforgettable. As a singer, musician, composer and choreographer, Dingding owes her original style to an intriguing background and array of diverse interests. Born in Mongolia to a Mongolian mother and Chinese father, she was fascinated by ethnic-minority music styles from a young age. "Before we start to talk," she says with philosophical ponder, "we know how to sing."
  Harmony   重量级幕后制作团队   专辑《天地合》由世界级音乐大师Marius De Vries与制作人Ross Cullum参与打造。与Marius De Vries和Ross Cullum合作过的艺人包括Madonna、U2、David Bowie、The Cranberries、Massive Attack、PJ Harvey、Craig Armstrong、Josh Groban、Rufus Wainwright、Damien Rice、Teddy Thompson、Annie Lennox和Tori Amos、Enya等,均为个性强烈、演唱风格独特的世界知名歌手。此次Marius De Vries和Ross Cullum与萨顶顶共同打造新专辑,两位大师对萨顶顶的重视程度可见一斑,《天地合》的面世发行值得期待。      云南印象的自我表达   萨顶顶第二张个人创作专辑《天地合》英文名定为“Harmony”,取“天地合则万物生”之意。专辑中渗透入丰富的云南元素,运用了众多萨顶顶于云南采风得来的珍贵音乐采样,如“巫鼓”等。首唱会现场的两位男性伴唱,就是从云南当地请来的本土歌者。萨顶顶演出时的一身民族装束,便是经设计师由云南民族服装改制而成,演出前服装曾惹来争议,但萨顶顶坚决采用这身服装表演,坚持大胆地表达自己对云南的所感所想。而对于大家把她与杨丽萍进行比较并列举出有某些创作上的类似,萨顶顶表示并些比较,而且自己看过并非常欣赏杨丽萍的表演。   喜欢唱歌故不惧人言   关于出道经历,萨顶顶表示自己从流行音乐出发,但是现在已经长大了,成长之中经历更多,也需要更多的自我表达。对全世界听众对自己不尽相同的评论中,萨顶顶把自己的音乐简单地归类为“电子流行”,并透露,自己对音轨、音色等音乐制作元素太过熟悉,制作音乐已经如同“十字绣花”,所以在固定的模式中一直积极寻求着突破,因为喜欢唱歌,所以不怕别人说什么。         Sa Dingding (born 1983-12-27) is a Chinese folk singer and songwriter. Her 2nd album.      With her unmistakable unique voice and distinctive musical vision, Sa Dingding represents an original creative passion affected by ethnic diversity and shaped by a modern China. As the first artist in her country to sing in Sanskrit and even in an entirely self-created language-otherwise its in Mandarin or Tibetan - she beautifully combines traditional Chinese fold music with Western electronica and influences of classical and soul. The result is a richly layered tapestry of the ethereal, escapist, eclectic and simply unforgettable. As a singer, musician, composer and choreographer, Dingding owes her original style to an intriguing background and array of diverse interests. Born in Mongolia to a Mongolian mother and Chinese father, she was fascinated by ethnic-minority music styles from a young age. "Before we start to talk," she says with philosophical ponder, "we know how to sing."