
简介:  转眼间,洗浴时间已经是一个一岁多的乐队了。   这张专辑里的歌曲仍旧是那些不紧不慢的小事情们,夏天停电的过去,露天电影,青春期小伙子对女孩子懵懵懂懂的感情,致敬The Smiths 《Cemetry Gate》的《清明节那天》,游泳池边的高考完的,并且考得不咋好的男孩,深夜和陌生人一边钓鱼一边喝酒的人,还有永远是洗浴时间创作的一条主线的动物园。   就像一位贵宾朋友说的,作品在洗浴时间这里更像是自己玩的小玩意儿,乐队的成员们也能从中获得一些感慨那就最好了,如果你在耳机里也觉得“与我心有戚戚焉”的话,那我们就在某个遥远的山路上的路灯下击一下掌吧!   Those songs are still some old dreamy things showeringtiming used to know, and used to.   Mainly some suburban area, hillside fantasies, summer power failure, old mid-night fishing pals, those sad boys sitting by the swimming pool after the entrance exam, and young boys' steamy feeling for females, open-air movie nights.   Despite the language ,If you can feel something because of these notes, That means we hi-fived in some secret place.
  转眼间,洗浴时间已经是一个一岁多的乐队了。   这张专辑里的歌曲仍旧是那些不紧不慢的小事情们,夏天停电的过去,露天电影,青春期小伙子对女孩子懵懵懂懂的感情,致敬The Smiths 《Cemetry Gate》的《清明节那天》,游泳池边的高考完的,并且考得不咋好的男孩,深夜和陌生人一边钓鱼一边喝酒的人,还有永远是洗浴时间创作的一条主线的动物园。   就像一位贵宾朋友说的,作品在洗浴时间这里更像是自己玩的小玩意儿,乐队的成员们也能从中获得一些感慨那就最好了,如果你在耳机里也觉得“与我心有戚戚焉”的话,那我们就在某个遥远的山路上的路灯下击一下掌吧!   Those songs are still some old dreamy things showeringtiming used to know, and used to.   Mainly some suburban area, hillside fantasies, summer power failure, old mid-night fishing pals, those sad boys sitting by the swimming pool after the entrance exam, and young boys' steamy feeling for females, open-air movie nights.   Despite the language ,If you can feel something because of these notes, That means we hi-fived in some secret place.