Too Late To Cry

发行公司:New Rounder
简介:  当代乡村天后、更是有史以来最畅销的Bluegrass艺人,甜美的嗓音加上精湛的小提琴演奏技巧,使Alison Krauss跨越了乡村的领域,在世界各地皆受到欢迎!07年与摇滚之神Robert Plant合录大碟《Raising Sand》,这张经典专辑横跨流行、乡村、民谣三大领域,一举囊获了包括「年度专辑」在内的六项葛莱美奖!使她生涯至今累积26座葛莱美奖,稳坐史上最多葛莱美加冕的女歌手宝座!发行於87年的《Too Late to Cry》,为Alison Krauss的首张个人大碟,亦是成为当代天后的第一步!当年不过才14岁稚龄的她,除了天赋甜美可人的音色之外,专辑更表现出乐坛老将都不见得能做到的快意自在之成熟唱腔,可说当时即展露出日後将主宰当代Bluegrass乐界的天才之音,Allmusic给予三颗星好评!      by Thom Owens   Alison Krauss may have recorded Too Late to Cry when she was only 14 years old, but her sound was already well developed and astonishingly accomplished. Throughout the album, she demonstrates a mastery of bluegrass, singing and playing with a distinctive grace. It's an impressive debut, but it would pale in comparison to the albums that followed.
  当代乡村天后、更是有史以来最畅销的Bluegrass艺人,甜美的嗓音加上精湛的小提琴演奏技巧,使Alison Krauss跨越了乡村的领域,在世界各地皆受到欢迎!07年与摇滚之神Robert Plant合录大碟《Raising Sand》,这张经典专辑横跨流行、乡村、民谣三大领域,一举囊获了包括「年度专辑」在内的六项葛莱美奖!使她生涯至今累积26座葛莱美奖,稳坐史上最多葛莱美加冕的女歌手宝座!发行於87年的《Too Late to Cry》,为Alison Krauss的首张个人大碟,亦是成为当代天后的第一步!当年不过才14岁稚龄的她,除了天赋甜美可人的音色之外,专辑更表现出乐坛老将都不见得能做到的快意自在之成熟唱腔,可说当时即展露出日後将主宰当代Bluegrass乐界的天才之音,Allmusic给予三颗星好评!      by Thom Owens   Alison Krauss may have recorded Too Late to Cry when she was only 14 years old, but her sound was already well developed and astonishingly accomplished. Throughout the album, she demonstrates a mastery of bluegrass, singing and playing with a distinctive grace. It's an impressive debut, but it would pale in comparison to the albums that followed.