The La's

发行公司:UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)
简介:  The La's可算是乐队中的稀有品种,90年代初当Techno/Dance Music却尽领风骚之际,The La's自顾自遗世特立,独善其身。      假若将La's与其它同侪诸如Liverpudlians或The Farm等相比,大家既有相似又不尽同。相似的是,大家均是蒲了五、六年之久,直至后来才守得云开见月明,有机会一亲流行榜芳泽。但有异于The Farm,La's并没有踩上方便就脚的Indie/Dance过渡踏板,由始至终企硬,挺直脊梁,坚持自己的风格。      一切要由1984年说起,一个来自利物浦;晓弹结他识唱歌;型格酷似占士甸;至爱五、六十年代R 'n' B的小伙子Mike Badger,成立了自己的乐队,取名为La's (一来源于利物浦人惯将Lad的简称为La,二来又可作为Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La的La)。1990年,La's的同名处女专辑面世,在英国流行乐坛及美国校园电台掀起过一阵热潮,清脆的结他声令人怀缅六十年代中期英国流行乐风格,再结合Smiths那股Post-punk气息,绝对有资格跻身长青经典之列。而坊间则将他们的single专辑《There She Goes》及《Timeless Melody》封为代表作,更认定他们是继披头之后的重要瑰宝。而其后的分支Cast,则继承了La's的一部分长青遗韵。       by Stephen Thomas Erlewine   The La's were one of the few English alternative groups to keep traditional British guitar pop alive during the late '80s and early '90s. Drawing heavily from the punchy British Invasion sound of early Beatles, the Hollies, the Searchers, and the Small Faces, the group's eponymous debut is a swirling array of ringing guitar hooks and strong, undeniable pop melodies. Throughout the record, chief songwriter Lee Mavers turns out small, well-crafted gems, highlighted by the hit single "There She Goes," whose jangling hooks and sighing melodies simply scratch the surface of the abundance of pleasures on the record. While Mavers claimed at the time that the label forced him to release The La's, it's hard to imagine the record being any more infectious. As it stands, The La's was a refreshing slice of classicist guitar pop at the time of its release, and its charms have not faded over the years.
  The La's可算是乐队中的稀有品种,90年代初当Techno/Dance Music却尽领风骚之际,The La's自顾自遗世特立,独善其身。      假若将La's与其它同侪诸如Liverpudlians或The Farm等相比,大家既有相似又不尽同。相似的是,大家均是蒲了五、六年之久,直至后来才守得云开见月明,有机会一亲流行榜芳泽。但有异于The Farm,La's并没有踩上方便就脚的Indie/Dance过渡踏板,由始至终企硬,挺直脊梁,坚持自己的风格。      一切要由1984年说起,一个来自利物浦;晓弹结他识唱歌;型格酷似占士甸;至爱五、六十年代R 'n' B的小伙子Mike Badger,成立了自己的乐队,取名为La's (一来源于利物浦人惯将Lad的简称为La,二来又可作为Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La的La)。1990年,La's的同名处女专辑面世,在英国流行乐坛及美国校园电台掀起过一阵热潮,清脆的结他声令人怀缅六十年代中期英国流行乐风格,再结合Smiths那股Post-punk气息,绝对有资格跻身长青经典之列。而坊间则将他们的single专辑《There She Goes》及《Timeless Melody》封为代表作,更认定他们是继披头之后的重要瑰宝。而其后的分支Cast,则继承了La's的一部分长青遗韵。       by Stephen Thomas Erlewine   The La's were one of the few English alternative groups to keep traditional British guitar pop alive during the late '80s and early '90s. Drawing heavily from the punchy British Invasion sound of early Beatles, the Hollies, the Searchers, and the Small Faces, the group's eponymous debut is a swirling array of ringing guitar hooks and strong, undeniable pop melodies. Throughout the record, chief songwriter Lee Mavers turns out small, well-crafted gems, highlighted by the hit single "There She Goes," whose jangling hooks and sighing melodies simply scratch the surface of the abundance of pleasures on the record. While Mavers claimed at the time that the label forced him to release The La's, it's hard to imagine the record being any more infectious. As it stands, The La's was a refreshing slice of classicist guitar pop at the time of its release, and its charms have not faded over the years.