Lunch. Drunk. Love.

简介:  《Lunch. Drunk. Love.》是Bowling for Soup在2013年9月10日发行的专辑。   In todays disposable music industry, a twenty year career is something almost unheard of. It takes a band with a big heart, a loyalty to one of the most varied group of fans ever and just a sheer love of making people smile to do it properly. It takes a band from Texas…that band is Bowling For Soup.
  《Lunch. Drunk. Love.》是Bowling for Soup在2013年9月10日发行的专辑。   In todays disposable music industry, a twenty year career is something almost unheard of. It takes a band with a big heart, a loyalty to one of the most varied group of fans ever and just a sheer love of making people smile to do it properly. It takes a band from Texas…that band is Bowling For Soup.