Room 335
简介: 〈Room 335〉既是LINION首张个人专辑的前导单曲,也可以看作是一种极为私人的情感纪录:曲名源自LINION与美国好友即兴写下这首曲子的房间号码。前奏之前的流水环境音,率先勾勒出孤身一人于小船上荒岛漂流的画面。这个与外界隔离独处一片孤寂的青年,用诗化却浅白的歌词诉说留学时期对所爱之人与故乡的思念;副歌奇巧的引用了柳宗元的江雪,与行云般的贝斯声线、流水似的电钢琴、中低音域的嗓音共冶一炉;种种的矛盾最终导向和谐。〈Room 335〉让听众理解温柔可以是一种残忍,当代同时也能够很怀旧。
As the first single of Me In Dat Blue,"Room 335"is rich in lonesome and watery imagery;a novel attempt to insert classical poetry into a very modern composition of sounds.335 is the room number of Zensoul,who in the early stages had co-written the song.The name coincides with Larry Carlton's famous"Room 335,"a song familiar to all fusion and jazz fans.
〈Room 335〉既是LINION首张个人专辑的前导单曲,也可以看作是一种极为私人的情感纪录:曲名源自LINION与美国好友即兴写下这首曲子的房间号码。前奏之前的流水环境音,率先勾勒出孤身一人于小船上荒岛漂流的画面。这个与外界隔离独处一片孤寂的青年,用诗化却浅白的歌词诉说留学时期对所爱之人与故乡的思念;副歌奇巧的引用了柳宗元的江雪,与行云般的贝斯声线、流水似的电钢琴、中低音域的嗓音共冶一炉;种种的矛盾最终导向和谐。〈Room 335〉让听众理解温柔可以是一种残忍,当代同时也能够很怀旧。
As the first single of Me In Dat Blue,"Room 335"is rich in lonesome and watery imagery;a novel attempt to insert classical poetry into a very modern composition of sounds.335 is the room number of Zensoul,who in the early stages had co-written the song.The name coincides with Larry Carlton's famous"Room 335,"a song familiar to all fusion and jazz fans.