
简介:  「家」   与世界相隔的防护网、?块屋檐,?同抵挡外?的残酷。   但它终究是一本经,念不完。   要如何互相猜测、互相理解,   如何面对家的不完善。   有再多的同,还是得磨合彼此的异。   繁衍的过程里,我们究竟复制了怎样的??。   古老生物的难题留至今日,   在我们成为地层的一部份前,   别放弃解答。   // 本专辑获影视及流行音乐产业局109年补助 //   “Home"   It is a safety net, a roof, that shelters us from the outside world and its cruelty.   Nevertheless, life is not a fairy tale.   How do we assume and understand each other   And face all the imperfections of the home.   We still have to work through our differences, in spite of all our commonalities.   In the process of procreation, what version of ourselves have we duplicated?   The quandaries of ancient beings remain to this day.   We should keep on trying to answer them before we become one with the earth's stratum.
  「家」   与世界相隔的防护网、?块屋檐,?同抵挡外?的残酷。   但它终究是一本经,念不完。   要如何互相猜测、互相理解,   如何面对家的不完善。   有再多的同,还是得磨合彼此的异。   繁衍的过程里,我们究竟复制了怎样的??。   古老生物的难题留至今日,   在我们成为地层的一部份前,   别放弃解答。   // 本专辑获影视及流行音乐产业局109年补助 //   “Home"   It is a safety net, a roof, that shelters us from the outside world and its cruelty.   Nevertheless, life is not a fairy tale.   How do we assume and understand each other   And face all the imperfections of the home.   We still have to work through our differences, in spite of all our commonalities.   In the process of procreation, what version of ourselves have we duplicated?   The quandaries of ancient beings remain to this day.   We should keep on trying to answer them before we become one with the earth's stratum.