Back Here On Earth

简介:  After the mild experimentation of Did She Mention My Name?, Back Here on Earth was a retrenchment of sorts, recorded in Nashville with a three-piece acoustic lineup and a more countrified approach. It's not quite as outstanding as his first three albums, lacking highlights on the order of "Early Mornin' Rain" or "Black Day in July." Lightfoot never offered weak material on his United Artists efforts, however, and Back Here on Earth is still a very solid set, certainly worth acquiring if you like his other LPs for this label. And all of the studio LPs for United Artists, of course, are available on the two-disc The United Artists Collection.
  After the mild experimentation of Did She Mention My Name?, Back Here on Earth was a retrenchment of sorts, recorded in Nashville with a three-piece acoustic lineup and a more countrified approach. It's not quite as outstanding as his first three albums, lacking highlights on the order of "Early Mornin' Rain" or "Black Day in July." Lightfoot never offered weak material on his United Artists efforts, however, and Back Here on Earth is still a very solid set, certainly worth acquiring if you like his other LPs for this label. And all of the studio LPs for United Artists, of course, are available on the two-disc The United Artists Collection.