happy forever

简介:  “没有人可以永远快乐。”我们总想成为别人,我们总是看到每个人外表快乐的样子。然而快乐与否,真的重要吗?我们存在的意义,就是为了变得快乐吗?我们憧憬一切美好的事物,或许时间只是幻像,而我们都是优柔寡断的存在。物质和爱都不能填补内心的空洞,也许在某个瞬间我们是真的很快乐,但,我们真的会一直快乐吗?一如既往地,Chico Chen用脆弱而真诚的音乐书写成长的困惑,探讨关于快乐与人生意义的话题。   "No one could be happy forever."   We always want to be others, and we always see the surface, everyone living their happy life. But does it really matter whether you are happy or not? Is the purpose of our existence to be happy? We look forward to all the good things, maybe time is just an illusion, and we are all indecisive existence. Wealth, things, and love might not fill the hole in our heart, maybe in a moment we are really happy, but how we really be happy forever? As always, Chico Chen writes about growing puzzles and bewilderment with fragile and sincere music and talk about happiness and the meaning of life.
  “没有人可以永远快乐。”我们总想成为别人,我们总是看到每个人外表快乐的样子。然而快乐与否,真的重要吗?我们存在的意义,就是为了变得快乐吗?我们憧憬一切美好的事物,或许时间只是幻像,而我们都是优柔寡断的存在。物质和爱都不能填补内心的空洞,也许在某个瞬间我们是真的很快乐,但,我们真的会一直快乐吗?一如既往地,Chico Chen用脆弱而真诚的音乐书写成长的困惑,探讨关于快乐与人生意义的话题。   "No one could be happy forever."   We always want to be others, and we always see the surface, everyone living their happy life. But does it really matter whether you are happy or not? Is the purpose of our existence to be happy? We look forward to all the good things, maybe time is just an illusion, and we are all indecisive existence. Wealth, things, and love might not fill the hole in our heart, maybe in a moment we are really happy, but how we really be happy forever? As always, Chico Chen writes about growing puzzles and bewilderment with fragile and sincere music and talk about happiness and the meaning of life.