
简介:  远距离爱情"Long D",未必人人经历过,但一旦身陷其中,恋人分隔异地,要维系这段关系变得非常困难和复杂,需要付出更多的努力和心思。因为时差,你睡觉,他/她起牀工作;你工作,他/她与朋友宵夜玩乐。远距离恋爱变得难以沟通和孤独。因此,「信任」成为了远距离恋爱关系中,最重要却又最难守的关口,只要其中一方抵受不了诱惑,结果可想而知。   Long-distance love may not be experienced by everyone, but once you trapped in it, it’s very hard and complicated to maintain. Because of the jet lag, both of you are doing the exact opposite thing and may take more effort to handle it. Some may say it will be really difficult to communicate and somehow you may feel lonely yourself. Trust issue has become the most important part in long-distance romantic relationships, as long as one of them shouldn’t be tempted, you can imagine what will happen next.
  远距离爱情"Long D",未必人人经历过,但一旦身陷其中,恋人分隔异地,要维系这段关系变得非常困难和复杂,需要付出更多的努力和心思。因为时差,你睡觉,他/她起牀工作;你工作,他/她与朋友宵夜玩乐。远距离恋爱变得难以沟通和孤独。因此,「信任」成为了远距离恋爱关系中,最重要却又最难守的关口,只要其中一方抵受不了诱惑,结果可想而知。   Long-distance love may not be experienced by everyone, but once you trapped in it, it’s very hard and complicated to maintain. Because of the jet lag, both of you are doing the exact opposite thing and may take more effort to handle it. Some may say it will be really difficult to communicate and somehow you may feel lonely yourself. Trust issue has become the most important part in long-distance romantic relationships, as long as one of them shouldn’t be tempted, you can imagine what will happen next.