Side Of The Road

发行公司:New Rounder
简介:  by Ronnie D. Lankford, Jr.Most artists eventually come up against a timeless foe called stagnation, and must contemplate how to keep the creative juices flowing. One method of regeneration is to join forces with another artist as Vance Gilbert and Ellis Paul have done on Side of the Road, sharing musical and lyrical ideas. Both artists attempt to grow out of their own skin here by trading songs, singing together, and offering new versions of other peoples' songs. Paul kicks things off with fellow songsmith's Mark Erelli's "The Only Way," and for all appearances, it could be the start of any Paul album. By the second song, however, the listener knows that something's up. Not only does Gilbert sing the lead here, but the arrangement has transformed from fairly traditional (acoustic guitars and fiddle) on the first cut to modern folk (organ and electric guitar). This tasteful hodgepodge becomes even more adventurous as the album proceeds, creating a disc that's more intriguing than the average singer/songwriter fare. Both Gilbert and Paul are good singers, the former's lows balancing out the latter's highs. There are also a number of nice takes on older songs, including a slow version of Neil Young's "Comes a Time," and a heartfelt rendition of Van Morrison's "Comfort You." Fans of both artists will enjoy hearing Gilbert and Paul expand their imaginative reach on Side of the Road.
  by Ronnie D. Lankford, Jr.Most artists eventually come up against a timeless foe called stagnation, and must contemplate how to keep the creative juices flowing. One method of regeneration is to join forces with another artist as Vance Gilbert and Ellis Paul have done on Side of the Road, sharing musical and lyrical ideas. Both artists attempt to grow out of their own skin here by trading songs, singing together, and offering new versions of other peoples' songs. Paul kicks things off with fellow songsmith's Mark Erelli's "The Only Way," and for all appearances, it could be the start of any Paul album. By the second song, however, the listener knows that something's up. Not only does Gilbert sing the lead here, but the arrangement has transformed from fairly traditional (acoustic guitars and fiddle) on the first cut to modern folk (organ and electric guitar). This tasteful hodgepodge becomes even more adventurous as the album proceeds, creating a disc that's more intriguing than the average singer/songwriter fare. Both Gilbert and Paul are good singers, the former's lows balancing out the latter's highs. There are also a number of nice takes on older songs, including a slow version of Neil Young's "Comes a Time," and a heartfelt rendition of Van Morrison's "Comfort You." Fans of both artists will enjoy hearing Gilbert and Paul expand their imaginative reach on Side of the Road.