not OK

简介:  这是我第一张迷你专辑,结合忧郁的旋律及hyperpop的元素,带给你不一样的听觉感受。其中一首《not OK》找了美国的音乐人Ada一同录制,希望听到这首歌的你不管身边有没有让你感到烦闷的事,都能被音乐疗愈。   This is my first EP. It combines melancholy melodies and hyperpop elements to bring you a different listening experience. One of the songs "not OK" was recorded with American artist Ada. I hope that you who hear this song can be healed by music regardless of whether there is something that bothers you around you.
  这是我第一张迷你专辑,结合忧郁的旋律及hyperpop的元素,带给你不一样的听觉感受。其中一首《not OK》找了美国的音乐人Ada一同录制,希望听到这首歌的你不管身边有没有让你感到烦闷的事,都能被音乐疗愈。   This is my first EP. It combines melancholy melodies and hyperpop elements to bring you a different listening experience. One of the songs "not OK" was recorded with American artist Ada. I hope that you who hear this song can be healed by music regardless of whether there is something that bothers you around you.