简介: 来自台湾的单人作曲家AnderWaves与同样来自台湾,同时是麦琪麦琪主奏吉他手、台湾Ibanze 吉他代言人 Leevia 合作,创作一首带有目前流行的欧美前卫纯乐器演奏风格的歌曲。
Advent 象征了整个大潮流以及未来数不尽可能性的到来,期待未来更能有类似的火花。
The songwriter / composer Anderwaves with offical Ibanez artist / lead guitartist from Maki Maki - Leevia , co-op together with the brand new song - Advent , brought progressive and instrumental elements to the scene.
Advent singals the unlimited possibilites of whats to come , and new and profound take to the modern Taiwan music scene.
来自台湾的单人作曲家AnderWaves与同样来自台湾,同时是麦琪麦琪主奏吉他手、台湾Ibanze 吉他代言人 Leevia 合作,创作一首带有目前流行的欧美前卫纯乐器演奏风格的歌曲。
Advent 象征了整个大潮流以及未来数不尽可能性的到来,期待未来更能有类似的火花。
The songwriter / composer Anderwaves with offical Ibanez artist / lead guitartist from Maki Maki - Leevia , co-op together with the brand new song - Advent , brought progressive and instrumental elements to the scene.
Advent singals the unlimited possibilites of whats to come , and new and profound take to the modern Taiwan music scene.